11 Eye Tests You Should Know if You’re Considering Laser Eye Surgery

11 Eye Tests You Should Know if You’re Considering Laser Eye Surgery If you’re considering Laser Eye Surgery for the correction of your refractive error, you may well be wondering what happens during your pre-operative screening appointment. More specifically, you may be curious about the level of testing that will be required to determine your eligibility and allow us to create your personalised treatment plan. At London Vision Clinic, we strongly believe in the importance of transparency and education in…

Top Tips for Looking After Your Eyes in the Sun

Top Tips for Looking After Your Eyes in the Sun We all know that we should never look directly at the sun – it was drilled into us throughout our childhood and many of us have likely repeated the lesson to our own children. But do you know who didn’t get the memo? The great polymath astronomer, Galileo. The story goes that one day, while Galileo was minding his own business surveying the endless wonder of the universe, he happened…

How Could Diabetes Affect Your Eyes?

How Could Diabetes Affect Your Eyes? Our eyes are endlessly impressive organs, but the fact is, they don’t exist on their own. They are just one part of a complex system consisting of various nerves, neurons, and other organs, including the brain. And they are also linked to other parts and systems in the body. This means that, when something isn’t quite right in another part of your body, your eyes may also be affected. One such condition is diabetes….

At what age can I expect to need reading glasses?

At what age can I expect to need reading glasses? As we get older, we may start to notice quite a few changes in ourselves. Not only can we expect the number of wrinkles on our face to multiply, our joints to weaken and our hearing the begin to wain, but we most likely will also soon see a significant difference in our quality of vision.  This can cause a number of other “side effects”. For example, squinting at receipts…

Can I eat or drink prior to my Laser Eye Surgery?

Can I eat or drink before my Laser Eye Surgery? If you have ever had any kind of surgery or procedure, you will likely have been told to undergo a period of fasting before you head into the treatment room. Depending on the time of your procedure, this may mean simply skipping breakfast and your morning coffee, but in some cases, you may be required to go more than 12 hours without a bite to eat. The need for the…

Side Effects: Halos and starbursts after Laser Eye Surgery [VIDEO]

Side Effects: Halos and starbursts after Laser Eye Surgery Over the last few decades, Laser Eye Surgery has evolved to become the most popular elective surgery in the world – and for good reason. Ongoing development has helped to make Laser Eye Surgery less invasive and more effective, reducing recovery times and allowing surgeons to treat higher prescriptions than ever before. Despite dealing with an incredibly complex and sensitive organ – the eyes – Laser Eye Surgery is most often…

These are the Colours Your Eyes Can’t See

These are the Colours Your Eyes Can’t See It is quite common that we humans assume the so-called colour spectrum contains all the colours that exist in the world. And that’s true – that is, all the colours that exist in the human world. In reality, there are lots of colours that are simply not perceptible by the average human eye. For the sake of most arguments, colour is simply considered the range of light across the electromagnetic spectrum that…

Practical Tips For Naturally Brighter & Whiter Eyes

Practical Tips For Naturally Brighter & Whiter Eyes What is often the first thing you notice about someone when meeting them for the first time? Or the last thing you remember when they walk away? Why, their eyes, of course! As humans, we are automatically drawn to the eyes of our fellow beings. Whether they are six feet tall or four; bald or thick-haired; in their twenties or their eighties – there is something about clear and shining eyes that…

When Can I Drive After Laser Eye Surgery Treatment? [VIDEO]

When Can I Drive After Laser Eye Surgery Treatment? When having any kind of surgery, it is only natural to consider the aftermath. How long until you are able to get back to your normal routine? Well, let’s take a look at some examples. After having your gall bladder removed, you’ll be looking at around two weeks before you can get back to your everyday life. For knee surgery, I’m afraid it’s more like six weeks. And a hip replacement?…

8 Things You Can’t Do When Wearing Contact Lenses

8 Things You Can’t Do When Wearing Contact Lenses When you first started out wearing contact lenses, it is likely that you felt a sense of freedom – the freedom to be able to see clearly without the annoyance of constantly carrying (and likely losing) your glasses. But, for many contact wearers, this feeling slowly begins to fade away. Over the subsequent days, months, and years, the reality of what you have bought into becomes all too clear. That initial…