Laser Eye Surgery News

Laser Eye Surgery Costs: Factors That Create Confusion

We’ve noticed that one of the most popular pages on our website is about laser eye surgery costs. So, we’ve decided to conduct a comparison of fees that range across the laser eye service providers to provide some context about this subject. Understand some of the specific factors that create confusion in laser eye surgery pricing across clinics….

Laser Eye Surgery: The Results Beyond the Numbers

In recent years, the choice of binning the specs seems a far more attractive notion, with the increase of successful statistical results reported and development of the laser technology, it is not surprising that thousands of people in the UK choose laser eye surgery year after year. Although these numbers are convincing, thousands of people choose to have laser eye surgery for benefits that have little to do with laser eye surgery statistics….

Eye Health Q&A with Expert Laser Eye Surgeon Prof. Dan Reinstein

Eye Health Q&A with Expert Laser Eye Surgeon Prof. Dan Reinstein In our busy modern lives, it can be surprisingly easy to forget about one of the most important assets we have – our eyes. While many of us take our vision for granted every day, expert Laser Eye Surgeon Professor Dan Reinstein is explaining why it is so important to be on our toes when it comes to our eye health. In your opinion, do people generally take good…

Is Laser Eye Surgery Worth the Cost?

Everyone has different factors driving the decision on Lasik Eye Surgery. For some the cost and slight risk is not worth the investment. For others however, the surgery pays off a million times in the improvement of quality of life, boost to self esteem, convenience, cost and effort of maintaining glasses or contact lenses wear. Read more to help weight up the pros and cons in this highly personal decision….

How Long Can Cataract Surgery Be Postponed?

How Long Can Cataract Surgery Be Postponed? The development of cataracts is a completely natural part of the eye’s ageing process – but that is usually of little consolation to those living with these cloudy obstructions. In many cases, patients with cataracts are eager to get rid of them for good; however, for some, postponing surgery may seem like a more appealing option. Whether this is down to nerves about the procedure, worries about the recovery period, or any other…