What percentage of patients are charged your advertised price?

What percentage of patients are charged your advertised price?

Are there any hidden extras?

Cost is undoubtedly one of the most important considerations when choosing a Laser Eye Surgery clinic. This can lead many patients to seek the cheapest deal – but proceed with caution.

In general, it is not recommended to choose a Laser Eye Surgery clinic based solely on a cheap offer.

While some patients may well pay the advertised price, it is common practice for some clinics to up-sell, once you are through the door. As a result, the price you end up paying can be far more than the price that attracted you in the first place. In reality, only a very small percentage of patients will end up paying the advertised price.

It is important to be clear on what is included in your quoted treatment price. You may be asked to pay extra for aftercare products such as eyedrops (charges that can quickly add up!).

You should also question why Laser Eye Surgery is being offered at such a discounted price in the first place.

World-class Laser Eye Surgery requires state-of-the-art technology and years of experience – all of which come at a price. It is reasonable to assume, then, that something is being cut along the way to make the procedure cheaper.