Hyperopia Long-sightedness

Hyperopia: Long-sightedness

Long-sightedness can be treated with laser eye surgery

Hyperopia – more commonly known as long-sightedness or far-sightedness – occurs when the eyeball is too short, or the cornea is too flat.

In contrast to myopia, this means that light is focused beyond the retina. As a result, it is the near vision that becomes blurred while distance vision remains unaffected.

In younger people, hyperopic eyes can often self-focus by utilising the ‘zoom’ intended for close-up tasks such as reading to compensate for the blurring. However, this ‘zooming’ ability becomes naturally weaker as the eye ages. As a result, hyperopia can become progressively worse as we get older.

Later, distance vision can also be affected. This means that people with hyperopia often need reading glasses before they reach 40 and afterwards may require glasses for both reading and distance (or bifocals).

Laser Eye Surgery can correct hyperopia in many cases. Again, this is achieved by reshaping the cornea so that its focusing power compensates for the length of the eye.

Laser Eye Surgery can also correct ageing eyes (presbyopia).

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