At what prescription do you become legally blind?

At what prescription do you become legally blind? You might think that recognising whether you are blind is a simple thing. I mean, if you can’t see anything beyond your nose – that should give you a hint, right? Or the fact that your glasses and lenses have become a lifeline that you can’t do without. While these are telltale signs that something isn’t right, nothing is ever that simple – least of all your vision. Our eyes are one…

Can I go blind from the procedure?

Can I go blind from the procedure? Along with vaccines, the zombie apocalypse, and anything that has wings, losing my eyesight is up there among my biggest fears. Most of the things that give me the heebie-jeebies are embarrassingly either non-life threatening, or just plain silly. They’ve in some way or another manifested themselves in my brain to cause an emotional response whenever thought of or encountered. I’ll never forget, growing up as the quiet wimpy kid, the time when…