Laser Eye Surgery Fears: What If My Optometrist Finds A Problem I Didn’t Know About?

People avoid doctors for many reasons. Some find appointments difficult to pack into a busy schedule, some are unwilling to open up to a doctor, or worried about perceived ‘time wasting’, and many even fear that being amongst sick people in the doctor’s waiting room will result in contamination! However, something that is perhaps discussed less often is the common fear that a doctor may find a problem that is bigger than what the appointment was initially booked for. This fear is, for many people, a reason to avoid regular visits to the GP, dentist, or optometrist….

What A Drag It Is Choosing New Glasses…

As a delighted London Vision Clinic patient who – in a weak, sibling-bonding moment – offered to help her sister choose new frames, I was recently struck by what a drag it is selecting new glasses. The selection process can be akin to negotiating a very expensive minefield littered with costly mistakes and fashion blunders at every turn. …

Jam-Jar Glasses For A Lifetime?

People with high prescriptions and complicated vision problems – especially those who have worn their glasses for a very long time – may well remember “jam-jar” or “coke-bottle” glasses as an object of embarrassment from their schooldays. Practical, yes – but fashionable? …

Life In ‘2020’ When Glasses No Longer Exist…

Life In ‘2020’ When Glasses No Longer Exist… It’s strange to think that just a few years ago, people were wearing glasses. Though it seems alien to us now, it was perfectly normal to carry a ‘pair of specs’ around with you to use for reading. How prehistoric! People were actually too nervous to correct their vision, and instead opted for the inconvenience, expense and hassle that reading glasses entailed. How times have changed… Imagine the annoyance of having to…

The 10 Most Annoying Things About Reading Glasses

In life, it can sometimes feel like there are just two types of people – those that wear glasses and those that don’t. And, let’s be honest, those people who don’t have to wear glasses will never understand some of the frustrations they cause! Are any of these familiar to you?…

Essential Advice On Eye Health

Essential Advice on Eye Health

Last year, National Eye Health Week reminded us all of the importance of regular eye tests. It’s recommended we have our eyes examined at least every two years, not only to ensure they’re healthy, but also to check for changes to our current prescriptions….

The 10 Most Frequent Places to Lose Your Reading Glasses

It happens to the best of us. You need your reading glasses but when you go to grab them from your bag, or you desk, or your head, they’re no longer there! You’ve left them somewhere… Again! (Queue frustration and mild self-loathing.)

Here’s our list of the top-ten most common places to misplace your specs:…

The Pros And Cons Of Glasses And Contact Lenses

It can be difficult to decide whether glasses or contact lenses are right for you. Where glasses may be better for some things, contact lenses are an improvement in other areas. Laser eye surgery is an elective procedure that can eliminate the need to use glasses or contact lenses but before you decide to opt for it, we thought we’d share some pros and cons for glasses and contact lenses….

Ways To Avoid Eye Strain

In this crazy, modern, techy world that we live in, we don’t take it easy on our eyes. Today many jobs require that we spend hours and hours in front of computer screens. Many people even elect to read on computer screens rather than actual books. With that being said, books are sometimes not much of an optical improvement. Eye strain can cause dryness, migraines and, later down the road, permanent vision problems….

Can Laser Eye Surgery Treat Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)? [VIDEO]

What is Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) – and can Laser Eye Surgery help? Amblyopia – more commonly known as ‘lazy eye’ – is a disorder in which vision in one eye is not fully developed. It can co-occur with refractive errors such as short-sightedness, long-sightedness, and astigmatism.  If you have amblyopia and have been considering refractive treatment to correct your prescription, you may wonder: Can Laser Eye Surgery help? Amblyopia is estimated to affect around between 1% and 5% of the…