Open to refractive surgery specialist ophthalmologists & optometrists
Live course available for booking in 2024: Venue: Royal College of Physicians, 11 St Andrews Pl, London NW1 4LE Thursday 9 May: Expert considerations on LASIK and surface procedures Friday 10 May: Treatment of presbyopia in the absence of cataract Saturday 11 May: SMILE: The Routine Procedure, complications and retreatments Sunday 12 May: Lectures and Workshops (nomograms, therapeutics, manifest refraction, Q&A) and wet labs The recordings will be made available for 6 months after the end of the course.
2023 course available to access online on-demand: Same schedule of lectures as listed for the 2024 course.
Access will be granted for 6 months.
Course Testimonials
London Vision Clinic+44(0)20 7224 1005
138 Harley StreetLondon, W1G 7LA
"The London Vision Clinic's Forefront Refractive Surgery Course is an absolute must for anyone interested in maximizing their results, improving the patient's experience and fine tuning surgical techniques for performing SMILE. The course and materials provided by Dr. Reinstein and his team are truly invaluable."
"The London Vision Clinic's Forefront Refractive Surgery Course is an absolute must for anyone interested in maximizing their results, improving the patient's experience and fine tuning surgical techniques for performing SMILE. The course and materials provided by Dr. Reinstein and his team are truly invaluable."
Bruce A. Rivers, MD
Praise for the Surgeons Guide to SMILE
London Vision Clinic+44(0)20 7224 1005
138 Harley StreetLondon, W1G 7LA
"This landmark textbook provides a comprehensive guide to both surgeons and clinicians. It is presented in a practical framework that guides preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative management. The authors earnestly convey their knowledge and experience in a step-by-step, detailed manner that brings the reader to an advanced level of expertise. The format makes full use of current technologies, with detailed photos, high quality companion videos, practical flow charts and illustrative clinical examples. "
"This landmark textbook provides a comprehensive guide to both surgeons and clinicians. It is presented in a practical framework that guides preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative management. The authors earnestly convey their knowledge and experience in a step-by-step, detailed manner that brings the reader to an advanced level of expertise. The format makes full use of current technologies, with detailed photos, high quality companion videos, practical flow charts and illustrative clinical examples. "
Guy Kezirian
Course Testimonials
London Vision Clinic+44(0)20 7224 1005
138 Harley StreetLondon, W1G 7LA
"The course provides an excellent introduction to PRESBYOND and SMILE. The quality of the lectures is outstanding, but the added value is the informal nature of the course and the access to the lecturers who will spend as much time as it takes to answer questions. For any refractive surgeon interested in laser refractive surgery in general this is a real opportunity the opportunity to see what it takes to be at the top level."
"The course provides an excellent introduction to PRESBYOND and SMILE. The quality of the lectures is outstanding, but the added value is the informal nature of the course and the access to the lecturers who will spend as much time as it takes to answer questions. For any refractive surgeon interested in laser refractive surgery in general this is a real opportunity the opportunity to see what it takes to be at the top level."
Robert Morris, BSc (Hons), MB BS (Hons), MRCP, FRCS, FRCOphth
Praise for the Surgeons Guide to SMILE
London Vision Clinic+44(0)20 7224 1005
138 Harley StreetLondon, W1G 7LA
"Is there a need for a third book in English on SMILE surgery and if so, what makes this book so different? After I have read it, the answer is definitely “yes.” Unlike other volumes, the present work is very personal. With the true “obsession to the detail” for which the senior author is known in the scientific community, he and the co-authors go into the very heart of refractive surgery embracing all aspects of SMILE. Nothing has been left out: particularly the chapter on complication management not only shows the problems and their solutions, but also explains the rationale why such an action was undertaken. The chapter on preoperative refraction, consent and patient communication are unique: It underlines what makes refractive surgery so different from the rest of ophthalmic surgery – that we operate on healthy eyes. Hence, no cowboys are needed. Only a well-educated surgeon will reduce problems to the least possible minimum. I am sure that this textbook provides the necessary knowledge for the success. Read, re-read, enjoy!"
"Is there a need for a third book in English on SMILE surgery and if so, what makes this book so different? After I have read it, the answer is definitely “yes.” Unlike other volumes, the present work is very personal. With the true “obsession to the detail” for which the senior author is known in the scientific community, he and the co-authors go into the very heart of refractive surgery embracing all aspects of SMILE. Nothing has been left out: particularly the chapter on complication management not only shows the problems and their solutions, but also explains the rationale why such an action was undertaken. The chapter on preoperative refraction, consent and patient communication are unique: It underlines what makes refractive surgery so different from the rest of ophthalmic surgery – that we operate on healthy eyes. Hence, no cowboys are needed. Only a well-educated surgeon will reduce problems to the least possible minimum. I am sure that this textbook provides the necessary knowledge for the success. Read, re-read, enjoy!"
Walter Sekundo
Course Testimonials
London Vision Clinic+44(0)20 7224 1005
138 Harley StreetLondon, W1G 7LA
"I take this opportunity to thank you. I have learned a million dollars. Not only is my functional vision better, but I believe I can now be a better physician and Ophthalmologist after this great experience of having a patient at your clinic and the direct experiences learned from the endeavour."
"I take this opportunity to thank you. I have learned a million dollars. Not only is my functional vision better, but I believe I can now be a better physician and Ophthalmologist after this great experience of having a patient at your clinic and the direct experiences learned from the endeavour."
David S. Y. Kang, MD
Praise for the Surgeons Guide to SMILE
London Vision Clinic+44(0)20 7224 1005
138 Harley StreetLondon, W1G 7LA
"Wow! This book is an incredible contribution to the knowledge of anyone who is interested in corneal refractive surgery. The text demonstrates how the SMILE procedure builds off of all the knowledge gained from keratomileusis, PRK, and LASIK, and explains why it is the future of the laser vision correction. Dan's educational knowledge and style makes this text a must-read for anyone involved in SMILE surgery."
"Wow! This book is an incredible contribution to the knowledge of anyone who is interested in corneal refractive surgery. The text demonstrates how the SMILE procedure builds off of all the knowledge gained from keratomileusis, PRK, and LASIK, and explains why it is the future of the laser vision correction. Dan's educational knowledge and style makes this text a must-read for anyone involved in SMILE surgery."
Dan S. Durrie
Course Testimonials
London Vision Clinic+44(0)20 7224 1005
138 Harley StreetLondon, W1G 7LA
"I don’t know how to express my gratitude to you for the superb care you have given to me. I am one very grateful and happy patient. Your hospitality is also most commendable indeed. The course scores an unequivocal five stars whichever way one looks at it. You certainly have a phenomenal gift of imparting your knowledge and ideas in a very receptive manner. I learnt a ton of things and I will be implementing a number including the bedside manner pearls I observed."
"I don’t know how to express my gratitude to you for the superb care you have given to me. I am one very grateful and happy patient. Your hospitality is also most commendable indeed. The course scores an unequivocal five stars whichever way one looks at it. You certainly have a phenomenal gift of imparting your knowledge and ideas in a very receptive manner. I learnt a ton of things and I will be implementing a number including the bedside manner pearls I observed."
Leonard Teye-Botchway, MD
Praise for the Surgeons Guide to SMILE
London Vision Clinic+44(0)20 7224 1005
138 Harley StreetLondon, W1G 7LA
"This manuscript presents a one-of-a-kind narrative that should sit on the shelf of every refractive surgeon striving to be the best they can in their field. As someone whose career focuses solely on refractive surgery, the information in this book has shaped my daily clinical work. I’ve kept the manuscript on an accessible shelf in my office and have referred back to it regularly for giving talks and finding citations for research papers. In publishing this tome Dr. Reinstein and colleagues have done our profession a favor."
"This manuscript presents a one-of-a-kind narrative that should sit on the shelf of every refractive surgeon striving to be the best they can in their field. As someone whose career focuses solely on refractive surgery, the information in this book has shaped my daily clinical work. I’ve kept the manuscript on an accessible shelf in my office and have referred back to it regularly for giving talks and finding citations for research papers. In publishing this tome Dr. Reinstein and colleagues have done our profession a favor."
Jason P. Brinton
Course Testimonials
London Vision Clinic+44(0)20 7224 1005
138 Harley StreetLondon, W1G 7LA
"I very much enjoyed the time with you and your colleagues in London. It was a fantastic course, I would not have expected such a broad scope of knowledge and fruitful discussions. Please continue your way of performing refractive surgery and teaching."
"I very much enjoyed the time with you and your colleagues in London. It was a fantastic course, I would not have expected such a broad scope of knowledge and fruitful discussions. Please continue your way of performing refractive surgery and teaching."
Prof. Dr. Med. Siegfried Priglinger
Praise for the Surgeons Guide to SMILE
London Vision Clinic+44(0)20 7224 1005
138 Harley StreetLondon, W1G 7LA
"The Surgeon's Guide to SMILE represents the definitive text book for any surgeon wish to undertake and understand this procedure. It has been written by the foremost clinical research group in this area, who have been directly involved in the development of this technique. They have not only managed to write a very comprehensive textbook on SMILE but it contains wonderful information and insights on how refractive surgery should be conducted at the very highest level."
"The Surgeon's Guide to SMILE represents the definitive text book for any surgeon wish to undertake and understand this procedure. It has been written by the foremost clinical research group in this area, who have been directly involved in the development of this technique. They have not only managed to write a very comprehensive textbook on SMILE but it contains wonderful information and insights on how refractive surgery should be conducted at the very highest level."
David P. S. O’Brart
Course Testimonials
London Vision Clinic+44(0)20 7224 1005
138 Harley StreetLondon, W1G 7LA
"I learned more about refractive surgery in 3 days, than I did during 18 months of attending symposiums, courses and personal study. Dan and his team were profoundly knowledgeable and continue to be invaluable resources, making themselves available for advice and insights. They were gracious hosts, always ensuring, from the moment of registration to the day of the course, that all our needs and queries were attended to. Perhaps the most notable and admirable commentary on this course, was that Dan and his team donated all proceeds to support a charitable eye clinic in Nepal - truly leaders our profession in all aspects."
"I learned more about refractive surgery in 3 days, than I did during 18 months of attending symposiums, courses and personal study. Dan and his team were profoundly knowledgeable and continue to be invaluable resources, making themselves available for advice and insights. They were gracious hosts, always ensuring, from the moment of registration to the day of the course, that all our needs and queries were attended to. Perhaps the most notable and admirable commentary on this course, was that Dan and his team donated all proceeds to support a charitable eye clinic in Nepal - truly leaders our profession in all aspects."
Baseer Khan
Praise for the Surgeons Guide to SMILE
London Vision Clinic+44(0)20 7224 1005
138 Harley StreetLondon, W1G 7LA
"This is an excellent SMILE textbook, in which include very detailed standard SMILE protocol and complications, which definitely will be attractive to SMILE surgeons. I believe this textbook will shorten the learning curve and achieve more excellent results for new SMILE surgeons"
"This is an excellent SMILE textbook, in which include very detailed standard SMILE protocol and complications, which definitely will be attractive to SMILE surgeons. I believe this textbook will shorten the learning curve and achieve more excellent results for new SMILE surgeons"
Xingtao Zhou
Course Testimonials
London Vision Clinic+44(0)20 7224 1005
138 Harley StreetLondon, W1G 7LA
"I highly recommend this course for surgeons involved in corneal refractive surgery. The theoretical part of the course is very extended, also with rigorous attention to practical details. All the steps of the procedures are explained and guided. An important part of the course is about how to avoid complications and how to manage them, all these taking into consideration the vast experience and research made by the whole staff. I had an amazing experience during the course. A great team! Many thanks to Professor Dan Reinstein, Dr Glenn Carp and Dr Tim Archer."
"I highly recommend this course for surgeons involved in corneal refractive surgery. The theoretical part of the course is very extended, also with rigorous attention to practical details. All the steps of the procedures are explained and guided. An important part of the course is about how to avoid complications and how to manage them, all these taking into consideration the vast experience and research made by the whole staff. I had an amazing experience during the course. A great team! Many thanks to Professor Dan Reinstein, Dr Glenn Carp and Dr Tim Archer."
Monica Apostolescu
Praise for the Surgeons Guide to SMILE
London Vision Clinic+44(0)20 7224 1005
138 Harley StreetLondon, W1G 7LA
"It was high time for a reference a book about SMILE. Profound experience as well as enthusiasm for innovation of the author make this book valuable for experts as well as newcomers."
"It was high time for a reference a book about SMILE. Profound experience as well as enthusiasm for innovation of the author make this book valuable for experts as well as newcomers."
Theo Seiler
Course Testimonials
London Vision Clinic+44(0)20 7224 1005
138 Harley StreetLondon, W1G 7LA
"It was amazing how you were able to align aspirations of surgeons and employees from around the world in providing the best patient outcomes in refractive surgery."
"It was amazing how you were able to align aspirations of surgeons and employees from around the world in providing the best patient outcomes in refractive surgery."
Andrew Chang
Praise for the Surgeons Guide to SMILE
London Vision Clinic+44(0)20 7224 1005
138 Harley StreetLondon, W1G 7LA
"In this most interesting and innovative book, Dan Reinstein and co-authors serve the ophthalmic refractive surgery community with distilled surgical knowledge and clinical wisdom about the use of this surgical technique, SMILE, for the correction of refractive errors. This book is a must and an essential part of the library of a refractive surgeon and should be a priority for all those interested in innovations in refractive surgery and in getting into SMILE as a transitional technique for the future of refractive corneal surgery."
"In this most interesting and innovative book, Dan Reinstein and co-authors serve the ophthalmic refractive surgery community with distilled surgical knowledge and clinical wisdom about the use of this surgical technique, SMILE, for the correction of refractive errors. This book is a must and an essential part of the library of a refractive surgeon and should be a priority for all those interested in innovations in refractive surgery and in getting into SMILE as a transitional technique for the future of refractive corneal surgery."
Jorge L. Alio
Course Testimonials
London Vision Clinic+44(0)20 7224 1005
138 Harley StreetLondon, W1G 7LA
"I am grateful to attend the refractive surgery course at London Vision Clinic. Prof. Dr. Dan Reinstein, Dr. Glenn, Dr. Tim and the fellowship doctors are very helpful and generous to share their knowledges and experiences. Regardless whether you are an experienced refractive surgeon or thinking to start practicing refractive surgery, this London Vision Clinic course is for you. I am an optometrist myself, but by attending this course I am more prepared and confident to assist my surgeons. I am also very impressed by the charity work that they are supporting at Nepal. The course fees are all contributed to the charity work in Nepal. By coming to London Vision Clinic you will be blessed and you are a blessing to others."
"I am grateful to attend the refractive surgery course at London Vision Clinic. Prof. Dr. Dan Reinstein, Dr. Glenn, Dr. Tim and the fellowship doctors are very helpful and generous to share their knowledges and experiences. Regardless whether you are an experienced refractive surgeon or thinking to start practicing refractive surgery, this London Vision Clinic course is for you. I am an optometrist myself, but by attending this course I am more prepared and confident to assist my surgeons. I am also very impressed by the charity work that they are supporting at Nepal. The course fees are all contributed to the charity work in Nepal. By coming to London Vision Clinic you will be blessed and you are a blessing to others."
May Yern Chan
Course Testimonials
London Vision Clinic+44(0)20 7224 1005
138 Harley StreetLondon, W1G 7LA
"The LoVC course is the best hands-on practical course for a practising refractive surgeon that I have come across and I would recommend it highly to anyone doing or even considering refractive surgery."
"The LoVC course is the best hands-on practical course for a practising refractive surgeon that I have come across and I would recommend it highly to anyone doing or even considering refractive surgery."
Ravi Nrusimhadevara
Forefront Refractive Surgery Course Overview
The aim of this course is to provide corneal refractive surgeons who are interested in starting or are already performing LASIK, PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision and small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) with a detailed description of all aspects of the three procedures.
The focus of the course will be on practical details and surgical pearls set against the backdrop of our experience of over 30,000 LASIK, 12,000 PRESBYOND and 10,000 SMILE procedures and research. Essentially, we consider this to be a surgical video-fellowship that enables the attendee to learn from complications as well as successes. Each aspect of the course is taught in granular detail so that the attendee will feel very well equipped to make improvements to their current practice or starting to perform LASIK, PRESBYOND and SMILE with a wide knowledge base to reduce the learning curve.
To read more about the previous Forefront of Refractive surgery courses on SMILE, PRESBYOND and LASIK click here.
The Forefront Refractive Surgery Course: LASIK, Presbyopia Correction & SMILE, London, United Kingdom, 9-12 May 2024 (and online) has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 27 European CME credits (ECMEC®s).
Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be found at
Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMS-EACCME® for ECMEC®s are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Dan Z Reinstein, MD, MA(Cantab), FRCSC, DABO, FRCOphth, PGDipCRS, CertLRS
Glenn I Carp, MBBCh, FC Ophth (SA), PGDipCRS, CertLRS
Postoperative management, counselling, and adaptation
Lifetime corneal retreatment planning and retreatment technique
Considerations for cataract surgery maximising spectacle independence by EDoF
Saturday May 10, 2025, 9am-7pm: The surgeon’s guide to SMILE (Module 3)
Treatment planning and parameter selection for SMILE
Docking, centration and cyclotorsion control
Surgical technique for a routine SMILE procedure
Energy and spot spacing settings
Suction stability management (suction loss and eye movements)
Management of false planes
Management of intraoperative complications
Management of postoperative complications
Routine retreatment options after SMILE
Saturday May 10, 2025, 7pm-late: Social evening
Sunday May 11, 2025, 9am-2pm: Additional Lectures and Workshops (Module 4)
Preoperative assessment
Epithelial thickness mapping for keratoconus screening
Dry eye assessment and management
Accuracy and repeatability considerations in LASIK
Outcomes analysis and nomogram development
SMILE wet lab (1 hour workshop)
Manifest refraction protocol (1 hour workshop)
Q&A (1 hour workshop)
Handout Including
Complimentary copy of The Surgeon’s Guide to SMILE – our textbook including video website with 16 hours of narrated content (if attending the course live)
PDFs of all lectures
Book chapters, peer-viewed publications, and ophthalmic press articles
Other resources including protocols and calculators
Forefront Therapeutic Refractive Surgery Course Overview
Therapeutic refractive surgery is the management of refractive complications and this course covers advanced topics in this area including diagnostics, treatment planning, treatment modalities, retreatment surgical techniques, and postoperative monitoring and management. The course includes didactic lectures and in-depth individual case studies. Attendance of the Forefront Refractive Surgery Course is a pre-requisite to attend the therapeutic course.
The Forefront Refractive Surgery Course: LASIK, Presbyopia Correction & SMILE, London, United Kingdom, 09/05/2024-12/05/2024 has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 10.5 European CME credits (ECMEC®s).
Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be found at
Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMS-EACCME® for ECMEC®s are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Saturday November 9, 2024, 9am-6pm
Diagnostics: Topography and tomography
Diagnostics: Aberrometry and quality of vision
Diagnostics: Applications of epithelial thickness mapping
Diagnostics: Anatomical cross-sectional imaging
Topography-guided custom treatments
Refraction planning for topography-guided treatments
Trans-epithelial PTK treatments
Wet PTK polishing
Sunday November 10, 2024, 9am-1pm
Treatment options for ectasia
Other therapeutic applications for PTK
Advanced flap planning, surgical techniques and complications
Discussion of audience therapeutic cases
In-Person 4-day Course, May 2025 (live in London):
We are privileged to say that we often receive feedback that this was “the best course I have ever attended in my career.” For a previous course held in June 2020, 85% of delegates rated the course content as excellent:
Please fill in the form, below, to register your interest for this exclusive course from London Vision Clinic. You will receive confirmation of your registration and other information about the course within 48 hours.
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Ask a question and one of our team will get back to you.