Laser eye surgery pioneers

Cutting edge corneal mapping software, like the Artemis Insight 100 VHFU Scanner, enables our experts to perform advanced techniques without compromising safety.

Many people are told that laser eye surgery can’t help them. This usually means standard laser eye surgery can’t help them. At the London Vision Clinic, our standard is perfection. Which is why we’re dedicated to pioneering new ways to give more people the joy of perfect vision. Are you a suitable laser eye surgery candidate?

The Clinic is rare in having its own laser treatment research team, who analyse our results for ways to refine our laser vision correction techniques for better results. For many years, we have also had a close association with Carl Zeiss Meditec, manufacturers of world-class optical and laser equipment and our very own Professor Reinstein consulted on the development of the MEL 90 laser – still the world’s most accurate laser (according to United States FDA tests).

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision

Age affects the eye like any other part of the body. As we get older, the eye’s lens stiffens, and the muscles that allow it to shift between near and distant vision get weaker. This is presbyopia literally, ‘old eye’. Professor Reinstein, Medical Director at London Vision Clinic, has developed a surgical laser eye treatment that counters the effects of ageing. PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision which was first offered in 2004 at London Vision Clinic was later implemented by Carl Zeiss Meditec to their laser programming which became commercially available in 2009. The technique adjusts each eye differently, increasing the depth of field and allowing you to see both near and far. This is much more effective, and suitable for many more people than traditional monovision. For most patients, it means an end to reading glasses.

Youtube video link

Professor Reinstein discusses the recent innovations and research behind laser blended vision, a solution for presbyopia and reading glasses.

High Profile treatments

If you have a very high prescription, you may also have been told that laser eye treatments cannot help. In such cases, most surgeons rely on synthetic lenses, which are inserted surgically into the eye. But at the London Vision Clinic, we’ve pioneered safe, effective laser surgery for very high prescriptions. We call these High Profile treatments and they rely on incredibly accurate measurements of your cornea, to ensure that the surgery is within safe limits. We achieve this degree of accuracy thanks to another of the Clinic’s innovations, the Artemis Insight 100™ ultrasound scanner. This is the world’s most accurate corneal scanner, able to map the individual layers of corneal tissue to the nearest micron (1,000th of a millimetre). The Artemis Insight 100™ was co-invented by our founder, Professor Reinstein, and we have one of only a handful available in the world and are the only clinic in the UK.

“I was extremely short sighted and had spent my life struggling but coping pretty well. I was nervous about the procedure but it was not as bad as I had anticipated. Believe me, it is probably one of the best things I have ever done. Minus 12 to 20-20!”

Lindsay Shepherd

Artemis Insight 100 Technology

The Artemis Insight 100 technology is known for its hugely superior imaging and micro-biometric capabilities. The Artemis Insight 100 greatly enhances patient safety and refractive outcomes. Epithelial thickness profiles enable us to confidently operate on patients who would have otherwise been rejected as suspect Keratoconus and provides us with unique capabilities for sizing posterior chamber phakic IOLs and premium IOLs. LoVC was the first clinic to have the Artemis Insight 100™.

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