
Laser Eye Surgery Technology: What is Spot Size? [VIDEO]

With the small size of an Excimer laser used for laser eye surgery, we will think of it as a…

Exceptional Care That’s Not Just for the Rich and Famous

London Vision Clinic patients come from all over the UK; in fact from throughout Europe – or, in the interest…

The Evolution of Presbyopia Treatment

The Evolution of Presbyopia Treatment Declining vision is, unfortunately, an inevitability. Eventually, even those of us lucky enough to have…

A Quick Guide to Good Eye Health

A Quick Guide to Good Eye Health Most of us tend to take the best care of the parts of…

Laser Eye Surgery: How Complex is the Procedure?

Laser Eye Surgery: How Complex is the Procedure? Generally speaking, treatments tend to only be as complex as the problem…

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is – Surgeons who have had Laser Eye Surgery

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is - Surgeons who have had Laser Eye Surgery If you've been considering Laser…

From London, SA to London, UK – Why it’s hard to leave London Vision Clinic

From London, SA to London, UK - Why it’s hard to leave London Vision Clinic Twenty years ago, our expert…

Laser Eye Surgery Technology: What is Eye Tracking? [VIDEO]

Eye tracking is what it says. I mean basically we have incorporated technology which is probably military derived where we…

The Impatient Patient – Waiting Lists for Laser Eye Surgery

The Impatient Patient - Is there a waiting list for Laser Eye Surgery? Many people will spend years considering the…

Lens Types: What are Varifocals?

Lens Types: What are Varifocals? If you've spent most of your life living with a refractive error, you have probably…