Extreme Makeover

Professor Reinstein On Extreme Makeover UK

Highlights from Professor Dan Reinstein’s appearances on the hit TV show: Extreme Makeover UK.

Professor Reinstein on Extreme Makeover UK

When the producers of the hit TV show Extreme Makeover UK, in which members of the public enjoy a total, extreme body makeover, needed a top Laser Eye Surgeon for their team, they naturally turned to Professor Reinstein.

An international authority in his field, who has been instrumental in pushing back the boundaries of what can be achieved with Laser Eye Surgery, Professor Reinstein is also a surgeon who has never lost his ability to listen carefully to, and empathise with, his patients.

Extreme Makeovers

It’s a winning combination for Extreme Makeover UK, whose participants are naturally nervous about their surgery, at the same time as being excited about transforming their vision – and their lives. The authentic ‘wow’ moment of discovering that they can see, often after years of glasses or contact lenses, is a suitably dramatic and emotional moment for a show focused on individual human stories.

After hundreds of thousands of surgeries, Prof Reinstein is a calming, reassuring voice of experience and expertise. He puts patients concerns to rest and allows them to become excited at the thought of never hiding behind glasses again.  While we can’t provide you with an extreme body makeover we can transform the way you see the world – and the way it sees you. At the London Vision Clinic you will receive the best care, advice and treatment. Find out if you are a suitable candidate for the procedures we offer or contact us for any information you may need to help you make this life altering choice.

Watch some of Professor Reinstein’s Extreme Makeover UK procedures to get a feel for the surgeries he performs daily.

Watch Prof Reinstein’s laser eye surgeries on 10 Years Younger.

See Prof Reinstein on BBC Science Clips.

Categories: Press & News