What, No Chocolate Fix!

What, No Chocolate Fix!

After an initial “You what?” gasp of surprise, Kath listened as her sister explained her decision.

“Although we’d never spoken about it before, she’d obviously done her homework and I trusted her judgement”, said Kath.”I never doubted that it was the right decision for us”.

“As we were both OK with our contact lenses it was more a matter of prevention rather than cure. Neither of us wanted to experience the need for reading glasses. I’d seen people putting them on just to check what is on their dinner plate – it would have driven me nuts!”

Although identical in most ways, Kath and Margaret’s eye sight prescriptions were slightly different and Kath – a company secretary in an architects’ office – had already adapted well to mono vision contacts.

One of the sisters (as I listen back to the recording of our conversation at this stage I cannot differentiate between their voices) told me that neither of them would have considered going for the procedure without the other – it would just not have felt right. And so they both set off for 138 Harley Street.

Margaret had her operation first – apparently it was just the way that it had been booked – and after wards Kath (who, according to her sister, has a more analytical mind) took responsibility for keeping them both on schedule with the intensive post op eye drop time table.

Naturally – like most patients – Margaret and Kath were nervous before their operations. However, unlike the rest of us, neither would allow themselves the comfort of their special London Vision Clinic prescribed chocolate fix.

Find out why next time … and it has nothing to do with being on a diet.