What’s Holding You Back From Having Laser Eye Surgery?

What’s Holding You Back From Having Laser Eye Surgery?


You’ve been wearing glasses or contacts for years, perhaps as long as you can remember.

You’re sick of the hassle and discomfort of not being able to see clearly without these visual aids.

You’ve heard about Laser Eye Surgery, maybe even know someone who’s had it done.

So what’s holding you back?

For many people it comes down to one of two things: Cost or Fear.

Is it cost…

Laser Eye Surgery isn’t a cheap option, with treatment costing several thousand pounds. Some people either simply can’t afford it, or just can’t justify spending that kind of money on themselves – particularly if they have a family.

There are options for spreading out the cost though, with London Vision Clinic’s interest-free finance option costing just £204 per month*. Your friends & family will also have the benefit of happier, more confident you!

…or is it fear?

This can be much more difficult to overcome than cost.

However many facts, figures and statistics you read about the efficacy and safety of Laser Eye Surgery, at the end of the day, you’re trusting someone to perform a surgical procedure on your eyes – arguably your most precious sense.

At London Vision Clinic though, we’re confident we can help you get over any fears you have about Laser Eye Surgery. Our surgeons are at the very forefront of the field and our approach to patient care means we do all we can to put you at ease.

You can find out more about the experience of our surgeons, our success rates and the pioneering procedures we carry out on our website. You can also read about the experiences of hundreds of previous patients on independent review websites such as TrustPilot.

In reality, for the majority of people, what’s holding them back is likely to be a combination of factors.

The only way to know for sure if Laser Eye Surgery is right for you is to come along for a consultation. You’ll experience the surroundings, meet the team and get to discuss your questions & fears you’re your surgeon before exploring your treatment options.

So, no matter what is holding you back from having Laser Eye Surgery – don’t let it stop you at least coming to see us for a consultation – it might just be the best decision you ever make!

Call 020 7224 1005 now to speak to the London Vision Clinic team, or to book your consultation.

For 2017, we have updated this article to ‘Quick guide: Laser Eye Surgery and anxiety’

Categories: Laser eye surgery