Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Only One Good Eye? [video]

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Only One Good Eye?

Laser Eye Surgery has come a long way over the years. Not only is it more effective in the refractive errors that it can treat, but it is now suitable for more patients than ever before. In fact, at the best clinics, surgeons can treat even very high prescriptions in many patients that would once have been unsuitable for Laser Eye Surgery. But what if you have only one good eye? Could Laser Eye Surgery still be an option for you? Let’s find out.

There can be several reasons that a patient only requires treatment on one eye. For example, they may have permanently lost vision in one of their eyes or they may have had an enucleation surgery. But, whatever the reason, having only one good eye is not a reason to dismiss Laser Eye Surgery.

As Mr. Glenn Carp explains in the video below, uni-ocular (with one good eye) patients are generally still candidates for Laser Eye Surgery. Laser Eye Surgery is always performed on one eye at a time and some clinics even advertise their prices “per eye”. So, given there are no other factors that might affect your suitability for Laser Eye Surgery, you will likely be just as good a candidate for the procedure as any other patient.

The Laser Eye Surgery Screening Process

At London Vision Clinic, all prospective patients will undergo a comprehensive screening process. This allows us to gain precise data regarding your refractive error and eye health as well as to understand how any existing conditions could affect your treatment. All of this information enables us to make the very best decision when determining your suitability for Laser Eye Surgery.

We pride ourselves on having one of the most rigorous screening processes in the country. This allows us to offer the very best treatments and strive for the best possible outcomes for every patient.

If you would like to learn more about your suitability for Laser Eye Surgery, get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators – we’re always happy to help! Alternatively, Book a Consultation today.

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