How Long After Cataract Surgery Can You Bend Down?

How Long After Cataract Surgery Can You Bend Down?


If you’re preparing for Cataract Surgery, it is likely you will have a lot of questions about the procedure and your recovery. For example, you may wonder when you can get back to exercising after your treatment. Or maybe you’d like to compare private Cataract Surgery with NHS treatment. But, it’s unlikely that you have given a second thought to when you will be able to bend down again.

This is understandable. I mean, how often do you ever think about bending down? For many people, it is a part of everyday life that barely deserves notice. From tying your shoelaces or getting your dinner out of the oven to putting away your pots and pans, it might surprise you just how often you bend down in one day – until you’re told not to do it.

But surely, you can’t be expected to avoid all of these scenarios? As part of our mission to give you all the information you need when preparing for Cataract Surgery, this article will explain why you should avoid bending down during your recovery, including which activities, in particular, should be avoided and for how long.

Why Should I Avoid Bending Down After Cataract Surgery?

It might sound like a strange requirement for your recovery, but there is a good reason for your surgeon to advise you to limit how much you bend down.

We all know that feeling when we bend down to pick something up, tuck in a shoelace, or perhaps pamper our pets. The blood rushes to our heads leaving our faces flushed and maybe slightly uncomfortable. This discomfort is actually pressure building up in our heads – and our eyes.

Of course, under normal circumstances, this is usually not a big deal and will generally go unnoticed. However, after Cataract Surgery, it could cause some unnecessary complications.

Cataract Surgery and Intraocular Pressure

During the first couple of weeks of your recovery from Cataract Surgery, your eyes will be much more sensitive than usual. This is because they are still healing from your procedure. As such, it is important to place as little pressure on them as possible – both figuratively and literally.

Cataract Surgery is performed by creating a small incision on the surface of the eye. Through these incisions, an ultrasound probe is inserted into the eye to break up the cataract. The cataract-affected lens is then removed and an artificial intraocular lens (IOL) is implanted.

These incisions are extremely small and are able to heal without the need for stitches or sutures. However, if there is abnormal pressure in the eye (intraocular pressure), these micro-incisions may re-open. This creates the possibility for further, potentially serious complications, such as infection.

Which Activities Should I Avoid?

As we mentioned earlier, things such as bending down to put on our socks and shoes are a normal and often unavoidable part of our day. The good news is that, in most circumstances, you will be able to continue with small tasks such as these – though it is recommended that you sit down to put on shoes, socks, and underwear to limit any associated pressure.

More strenuous activities that may involve bending down for extended periods or could place undue pressure on your eyes should be avoided for the first two weeks of your recovery. This applies to activities such as yoga and weightlifting.

Avoiding bending down may seem like an annoying undertaking; however, with a few small adjustments, there is no need for your recovery from Cataract Surgery to significantly impact your everyday life.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding your recovery from Cataract Surgery, don’t hesitate to get in touch – one of our friendly clinic coordinators is always on hand to help. To learn more about treatments at London Vision Clinic, Book a Consultation today.