Will My Vision Fluctuate After Laser Eye Surgery?

Will My Vision Fluctuate After Laser Eye Surgery? Laser Eye Surgery is one of the world’s safest and most commonly performed procedures. Tens of millions of people are now enjoying the results of their laser-corrected vision. In fact, in the UK alone, an estimated 15,000 people have Laser Eye Surgery every year! Compared with other surgical procedures, Laser Eye Surgery is minimally invasive, has fast recovery times, and requires little time in the clinic. But that isn’t to say there…

Laser Eye Surgery: Why is SMILE Such a Good Option?

Why is SMILE Such a Good Option for Laser Eye Surgery? For a long time, LASIK was King when it came to Laser Eye Surgery – and in many ways it still is. But despite remaining the most common Laser Eye Surgery procedure around the world (including here in the UK), the latest innovation in Laser Eye Surgery is revolutionising the industry. So, why is ReLEx SMILE such as good option? Let’s find out! A Brief History of Laser Eye…

Understanding Your Eyes: What they say about your health

Understanding Your Eyes: What they say about your health As the windows through which we see the world – whether it be to admire beautiful landscapes, binge-watch the latest must-see TV show, or read articles like this one – our eyes are incredibly powerful and sophisticated. With more than 2 million working parts, our eyes are among the most complex structures on the planet. They allow us to convert light into a clear view of the world around us. But…

10 Amazing Eye Facts That Will Change How You See The World

Eyes are complex organs, so it’s really important to take care of them with the best specialists. Some scientists have even called them a wonder of nature. How they enable you to see is a fascinating biological process. We’d like to share with you 10 fascinating facts about your eyes that you might not know….

How Do I Decide if Laser Eye Surgery is Right for Me?

How Do I Decide if Laser Eye Surgery is Right for Me? Like many things in life, Laser Eye Surgery is a serious investment that can drastically improve your lifestyle. In many ways, it is like the Italian sports car of the vision correction world, blowing glasses and contact lenses out of the water just like a Ferrari would Corsa! It’s a larger investment, and you have to go somewhere special to get it, but when you do, it offers…

Why Staying Hydrated is Important for Eye Health

Why Staying Hydrated is Important for Eye Health In the UK, we are lucky enough to have access to water almost everywhere we go – it is, quite literally, on tap. Moreover, water takes up nearly three-quarters of the earth’s surface, floats around in the air in the form of vapour, and is even stored beneath the land under our feet. Yet, many of us are still not putting enough of it in our bodies. This can have a significant…

How Young is Too Young for Laser Eye Surgery?

As well as all the obvious advantages, having laser eye surgery also makes economic sense. Considering that the procedure will eventually pay for itself by avoiding a lifetime of opticians’ bills, the cost of contact lenses and solutions, as well as glasses and stylish frames, the biggest financial savings are to be made by those who have LASIK when they are young……

What are the Finance Options for Laser Eye Surgery?

What are the Finance Options for Laser Eye Surgery? There’s no getting around it: High-quality Laser Eye Surgery isn’t cheap. So many people are relieved to find out that, as with many other investments, finance options are often available for Laser Eye Surgery – including here at the London Vision Clinic. Napoleon is widely credited with referring to England as a nation of shopkeepers (or l’Angleterre est une nation de boutiquiers); a comment that was meant to be derisive; however,…

Questions About Prices and Payment at London Vision Clinic

Questions About Prices and Payment at London Vision Clinic When deciding whether to have Laser Eye Surgery or which clinic to go with, costs inevitably play a huge role. After all, quality treatment doesn’t come cheap so you want to ensure you make the right choice. But even when the cost of your treatment is finalised, you will likely still have some important questions to consider. Questions like, “Can I finance the cost of my treatment?” or “What happens to…

Anxious About Laser Eye Surgery? Why You Don’t Need to Be

Anxious About Laser Eye Surgery? Why You Don’t Need to Be In addition to providing one of our most valuable assets – our vision – our eyes are among the most vulnerable organs in our bodies. Their exposed position makes us extremely protective of them; so, when someone starts talking about aiming a laser at them, most of us will understandably shudder. This anxiety over Laser Eye Surgery is only exacerbated by a lack of education and age-old scaremongering in…