Will My Health Insurance Cover Laser Eye Surgery?

Will My Health Insurance Cover Laser Eye Surgery?

Laser Eye Surgery is an incredible procedure that can change people’s lives for the better. But there is no getting around it – it’s not cheap. If, like millions of other people around the world, you’ve been considering Laser Eye Surgery for yourself, you may have stopped to wonder whether your health insurance will cover the costs.

Well, the short (and not particularly helpful) answer is: sometimes. But don’t worry – we will be elaborating on this.

As Laser Eye Surgery tends to be an elective procedure (i.e., it’s not medically necessary), the associated costs are not likely to be covered by your insurance policy. However, as you probably know, just like Laser Eye Surgery clinics, not all health insurance providers are created equal.

All health insurance policies are different, so there may be exceptions to this generalisation. It is always worth checking with your personal provider whether any of your Laser Eye Surgery costs could be covered.

Such exceptions could include cases where the refractive error (your prescription) is the result of an injury or a surgical procedure, where you are unable to wear glasses or contact lenses due to intolerance or allergies, or in rare cases where a medical professional deems the procedure medically necessary.

However, even in these cases, no private insurer is likely to cover the whole cost of Laser Eye Surgery. Instead, you may be reimbursed for some aspects of your treatment. For example, some providers may reimburse you between £50 and £250 for the cost of your treatment or for your initial consultation which, for many people, may not make a considerable difference. Again, it is highly recommended that you discuss these details with your provider before making your final decision.

Can I get any other help with the cost of my treatment?

In the likely event that your health insurance provider does not cover the cost of Laser Eye Surgery, there may be options that can help. For example, at London Vision Clinic, we offer finance plans that spread the cost of your treatment up to five years.

We are committed to making our laser eye treatments as accessible to as many people as possible. As well as being able to finance the fees, we also offer the option of financing the deposit.

To learn more about our fees and financing options, take a look at our ‘Prices’ page.

If you’d like to discuss your options further, get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators or Book a no-obligation Consultation today.