Can I Finance The Deposit For Laser Eye Surgery?

Yes, you can finance the deposit but we still require to take it in full at the time of booking the appointment. However, once you are found suitable for treatment and we put your application through, we can add the deposit to the finance and refund the deposit back onto the card that it was paid with. Consider it an investment in your future. Investing in your eyes can only improve your future, and that is what we are here to do. London Vision Clinic finances the deposit to make it as simple as a process as possible for you.

From my experience there is little to be concerned about and much to be gained! Whilst the operation itself might be described as an unusual experience, it is certainly not at all distressing, especially when handled by someone as skilled as Glenn Carp. Transformational is an overused word but for me the benefits were very substantial both in professional and personal life.

– John Galpin

Suitability Explained Further…

Yes, you may finance the deposit.

Please ask a Patient Care Coordinator for details.

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