Questions About Prices and Payment at London Vision Clinic

Questions About Prices and Payment at London Vision Clinic When deciding whether to have Laser Eye Surgery or which clinic to go with, costs inevitably play a huge role. After all, quality treatment doesn’t come cheap so you want to ensure you make the right choice. But even when the cost of your treatment is finalised, you will likely still have some important questions to consider. Questions like, “Can I finance the cost of my treatment?” or “What happens to…

What is IntraLase and is it Better Than Conventional Laser Eye Surgery? [VIDEO]

IntraLase is the terminology given to one of the laser machines, which is used to create a flap in the cornea. The technology group that it falls under is called a femtosecond laser. There are approximately six different types of femtosecond lasers in the world today, of which IntraLase is one of them. The way these lasers work is that instead of making a cut in the eye to create the flap is that they create a bubble there at a programmed depth within the cornea. …

What is the Most Advanced Laser Eye Surgery Procedure?

What is the Most Advanced Laser Eye Surgery Procedure? It is a well-known phenomenon that we humans are suckers for the latest version – no matter what it is. When it comes to buying a car, upgrading your phone, or getting a new household appliance, we typically want the most advanced version available. We consider the latest version to be the best – and in many cases, this is true. After all, the latest version has the advantage of the…

Laser Eye Surgery Explained

Laser Eye Surgery Explained A lot has happened in the field of Laser Eye Surgery in its introduction more than thirty years ago. So much so that today there is an endless barrage of information on the topic. Unfortunately, whether due to being outdated, misguided, used for promotion, or simply ill-informed, a lot of that information is incorrect. This can make it tricky when it comes to navigating the market or Laser Eye Surgery providers and finding out if the procedure is a good option…

Sooner or later you should visit a clinic

Sooner or later you should visit a clinic Because there is so much information available and so many places where you can go to find things out, it’s easy to spend a lot of time researching and planning and very little time actually doing. This is true for anything: decorating the lounge, buying a new house, going on holiday, or simply buying a new yoga mat. However, with an abundance of information out there online, it is especially true for…

What are the Alternative Treatments to Laser Eye Surgery

What are the Alternative Treatments to Laser Eye Surgery Vision correction technology has seen great advancements over the past few years. Using the latest in laser technology, patients who suffer from conditions such as myopia (short-sightedness), hyperopia (long-sightedness), presbyopia (ageing eyes), and astigmatism, can be safe in the knowledge that Laser Eye Surgery is statistically the safest medical procedure in the world. On top of that, suitability rates have risen to the point that we’re able to treat 98 percent…