Lost Glasses and Steamed Up Lenses: Time to Get Rid!

It happens to the best of us. You need your reading glasses but when you go to grab them from your bag, or you desk, or your head, they’re no longer there! You’ve left them somewhere… Again! (Queue frustration and mild self-loathing.)

Here’s our list of the top-ten most common places to misplace your specs:…

Will My Vision Fluctuate After Laser Eye Surgery?

Will My Vision Fluctuate After Laser Eye Surgery? Laser Eye Surgery is one of the world’s safest and most commonly performed procedures. Tens of millions of people are now enjoying the results of their laser-corrected vision. In fact, in the UK alone, an estimated 15,000 people have Laser Eye Surgery every year! Compared with other surgical procedures, Laser Eye Surgery is minimally invasive, has fast recovery times, and requires little time in the clinic. But that isn’t to say there…

What Post-Operative Care Should I Expect After Laser Eye Surgery?

What Post-Operative Care Should I Expect After Laser Eye Surgery? There are a lot of factors to consider when 1) deciding to go ahead with Laser Eye Surgery, and 2) finding the right clinic. You will likely have considered the cost of treatment, the location of the clinic, and even the experience of the surgeon, but what about the level of post-operative aftercare? In past surveys of prospective London Vision Clinic clients, we have found that post-operative care is, in…

Laser Eye Surgery: Why is SMILE Such a Good Option?

Why is SMILE Such a Good Option for Laser Eye Surgery? For a long time, LASIK was King when it came to Laser Eye Surgery – and in many ways it still is. But despite remaining the most common Laser Eye Surgery procedure around the world (including here in the UK), the latest innovation in Laser Eye Surgery is revolutionising the industry. So, why is ReLEx SMILE such as good option? Let’s find out! A Brief History of Laser Eye…

Laser Eye Surgery: Results in the Long-Term

The modern laser technique has been used for the last 20 years, first developed by Barraquer in 1950’s, and today more than 17 million people have undergone the laser eye surgery procedure worldwide. Scientific researchers, who track LASIK complications, believe there are probably no significant negative long-term effects from laser surgery….

Driving at Night After Laser Eye Surgery

Driving at Night After Laser Eye Surgery Driving at night can be a less-than-fun experience for anyone, but if you’re one of the unfortunate many who rely on glasses or contact lenses, it can be particularly stressful. Forgetting your glasses is, most likely, simply not an option and those who usually wear monovision or multifocal lenses may find that they need to switch to a pair of driving glasses to ensure a safe and comfortable journey. In some cases, this…