Interpreting Laser Eye Surgery Results

Interpreting Laser Eye Surgery Results

Laser Eye Surgery can seem like a frightening prospect, especially if you do not know much about it. Laser Eye Surgery is remarkably safe and potentially a life-changing experience, as many of our patient testimonials reflect.

To help make an informed decision it is a good idea to understand how to interpret Laser Eye Surgery results, as well as considering the potential risks involved. Most Laser Eye Surgery providers will present you with results of procedures.

Most Studies Of Laser Eye Surgery Results Have The Following 3 Measures Of Success:

  • An assessment of the number of patients that achieve result of 6/6 (20/20) vision or better
  • An assessment of how many patients achieve 6/12 (20/40) vision or better (driving standard – worse than 6/6)
  • The number of patients that get within one dioptre of zero prescription (emmentropia) meaning a prescription resulting in +1.00 or -1.00.

If you have a high prescription, for example -8.00D and you are looking at results table of -3.00D, then the data will be misleading. Typically, lower prescriptions are likely to show better results. Also, shortsighted prescriptions typically achieve better results than longsighted prescriptions. It is also wise to compare like for like technology used for the Laser Eye Surgery procedure.When considering results of Laser Eye Surgery, it is important to compare like for like.

Compare overall results into specific results for each type of prescription range, and the difference between patient groups.

It is known that vision fluctuates after surgery – it continues to improve over days, weeks and months. Approximately 3-4 months after the surgery you can expect the vision to stabalise and be at its optimum level.

At the London Vision Clinic we have prepared a range of results graphs to help illustrate the statistical likelihood for you to achieve your desired results from laser eye surgery. Our Patient Care Coordinators are available to help you interpret and understand these illustrations for your specific requirements.

Contact a Patient Care Coordinator at 0207 224 1005 to discuss what results you can expect to achieve.

Categories: Laser eye surgery