Laser Eye Surgery: Results in the Long-Term

The modern laser technique has been used for the last 20 years, first developed by Barraquer in 1950’s, and today more than 17 million people have undergone the laser eye surgery procedure worldwide. Scientific researchers, who track LASIK complications, believe there are probably no significant negative long-term effects from laser surgery….

10 Amazing Eye Facts That Will Change How You See The World

Eyes are complex organs, so it’s really important to take care of them with the best specialists. Some scientists have even called them a wonder of nature. How they enable you to see is a fascinating biological process. We’d like to share with you 10 fascinating facts about your eyes that you might not know….

What are the Finance Options for Laser Eye Surgery?

What are the Finance Options for Laser Eye Surgery? There’s no getting around it: High-quality Laser Eye Surgery isn’t cheap. So many people are relieved to find out that, as with many other investments, finance options are often available for Laser Eye Surgery – including here at the London Vision Clinic. Napoleon is widely credited with referring to England as a nation of shopkeepers (or l’Angleterre est une nation de boutiquiers); a comment that was meant to be derisive; however,…

Where Does My Laser Eye Surgery Treatment Take Place?

The surgical procedures are done here at the London Vision Clinic. We have fully operational surgery room in our basement, patients arrive on the surgery day, there is a nice waiting area for them to relax in, nice and quiet in the basement area. They are seen by one of the nursing staff who run through their preoperative medicines and this is then followed by the treatments and then subsequent to that is a recovery area where they can relax prior to going home….

Updated for 2024: Keeping You Up-to-Date on All Things Laser Eye Surgery

Updated for 2024: Keeping You Up-to-Date on All Things Laser Eye Surgery Here at London Vision Clinic, we are acutely aware of the impact of misinformation around Laser Eye Surgery and other refractive procedures. That’s why we have made it our mission to make accurate information as accessible – and up-to-date – as possible.  Every month, we publish new articles covering everything from the common questions asked by our patients to detailed guides on all things Laser Eye Surgery. But…

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Iritis? [VIDEO]

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Iritis? Suppose you’ve been considering having Laser Eye Surgery to correct your prescription. In that case, you may well have wondered if there are any conditions or factors that could make you unsuitable for treatment. Well, the fact is, while Laser Eye Surgery has become increasingly accessible in recent years, there are some circumstances in which the procedure may not be the right choice for you. In this article, we’ll be…