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Course Overview
This 3-hour course will provide a comprehensive overview as well as a detailed description of surgical pearls and lens sizing techniques. Each aspect of the course is taught in granular detail so that the attendee will feel very well equipped to optimise their current practice or reduce the learning curve if considering incorporating ICL surgery in their practice.
Course Outline
- Overview of the evolution of ICL technology, outcomes and long term safety
- Lens loading technique and pearls
- Surgical Implantation technique and pearls
- Lens sizing using OCT, handheld UBM and VHF digital ultrasound
- Intraoperative and postoperative imaging and biometry
- ICL exchange, complications and cataract surgery following ICL
- Q&A
Course Faculty
Course Director:
Dan Reinstein MD MA(Cantab) FRCSC DABO FRCOphth FEBO
Faculty: Bruce Allan, MD FRCS FRCOphth, Moorfields Eye Hospital: London, UK Scott Barnes, MD, Chief Medical Officer STAAR Surgical Sheraz Daya, MD FACP FACS FRCS(Ed) FRCOphth, Centre For Sight: London, UK Takashi Kojima, MD, Keio University School of Medicine & Tokyo Medical Center: Tokyo, Japan Julian Stevens, MRCP FRCS FRCOphth, Moorfields Eye Hospital: London, UK