PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision: A Unique Treatment for Presbyopia

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision: A Unique Treatment for Presbyopia

Sooner or later, everyone in the world – whether they have ever needed glasses or not – will begin to notice a deterioration in their near vision. This gradual process usually begins to become noticeable when we reach our 40s and will eventually make reading and other close-up tasks increasingly difficult.

As the eye ages, the natural flexibility of the lens begins to decline and the muscles that pull the lens into focus begin to weaken, causing its focusing ability to falter. This condition, known as presbyopia or “old/ageing eye”, affects almost half of people aged 35 and older.

Despite its high prevalence, many people still think that the only solution to presbyopia is to wear reading glasses or undergo monovision or lens surgery. And while this may have been true once (and still is the case at many clinics), at London Vision Clinic, we have been offering Laser Eye Surgery for presbyopia for almost 20 years!

Laser Eye Surgery for Presbyopia

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision, a unique and innovative treatment for presbyopia employs traditional Laser Eye Surgery techniques – such as LASIK or LASEK/PRK – to restore reading vision. This offers an effective solution to presbyopia without the need to deal with the inconvenience of reading glasses.

The first attempt to create a multifocal cornea using laser technology was by Meditec in 1991 using the MEL60 excimer laser. However, this revolutionary treatment was pioneered by our founder and world-renowned surgeon, Professor Dan Reinstein and his colleagues and has been available at London Vision Clinic since 2004.

In the video below, Prof Reinstein tells us more about PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision:

How Does PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision Work?

The aim of PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision is to correct for not only reading vision but also distance vision. This is done by correcting each eye in a different way.

Using laser technology to change the shape of the cornea, our skilled surgeons are able to change the way light is reflected into the eye. This technique is used to correct all kinds of refractive errors, such as hyperopia, myopia, and astigmatism. However, when it comes to presbyopia, things are done a little differently, as Dr Glenn Carp explains in the video below:

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision offers a blended vision profile. To achieve this, the dominant eye is corrected mainly for distance with a little close-up vision and the non-dominant eye is corrected mainly for near vision and a little for distance vision. This creates a region where the range of clear vision overlaps – this is known as the “blend zone”.

Amazingly, your brain is able to combine the images of each eye so that patients are able to once again experience an excellent depth of vision across all distances. This type of treatment also offers a lower degree of anisometropia (asymmetric refraction) than traditional monovision.

Laser Blended Vision vs Monovision

While the theory behind PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision is similar to that of monovision, it has a number of advantages. In monovision, one eye is corrected for distance vision while the other is corrected for near vision. This can be done with the use of contact lenses or through laser correction.

This type of correction leaves a bigger gap between the range of vision of each eye meaning that the depth of field is comparatively smaller than that provided by Laser Blended Vision. Essentially, instead of a blend zone, monovision can often create a blur zone.

The use of non-linear aspheric profiles in Laser Blended Vision treatment increases the depth of field of each eye. This enables the difference between the eyes to be greatly reduced, increasing tolerance, and providing continuous good vision from near through intermediate, to distance vision. All this is done using standard extra ocular LASIK surgery which optimises both patient satisfaction and surgical safety.

What about Multifocal Lens Implants or Exchange?

Other alternatives for treating presbyopia are Clear Lens Exchange (CLE) and Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) surgery.

CLE involves removing the eye’s natural lens and replacing it with an artificial lens – known as an intraocular lens (IOL). In CLE treatment for presbyopia, a multifocal lens is used. This type of lens provides clear vision at multiple distances and can be specifically selected to cater to any prescription.

ICL Surgery works in a similar way, however, the natural lens is not removed. Instead, a collamer lens is implanted in front of the natural lens, providing the focusing power that the eye lacks. Again, this type of surgery can be tailored to correct nearly every possible prescription.

But while these can be effective, they have their drawbacks. The most obvious underlying problem with any multifocal presbyopic correction is that the brain is not wired to interpret multiple images in the same eye. This means that there is often a very long neuro-adaptation period required.

Furthermore, the invasive nature of lens implantation and exchange means that this type of surgery represents more risk than less invasive laser procedures – like those used in PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision.

Will I be suitable for PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision?

Another advantage of PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision is its high tolerability. While an estimated 60% of people will be able to adapt to monovision, your chance of being suitable for PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision is much higher. It is estimated that around 97% of people will adapt well to blended vision.

At your initial consultation for PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision, you will undergo a number of tests to determine your suitability for treatment. This includes a simulation of blended vision to better your understanding of the procedure and how it will suit your lifestyle and needs.

If you’d like to learn more about PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision or discuss your treatment options, get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators. Alternatively, Book a Consultation today.