Refractive Surgeon Chooses Dan Reinstein for Presbyopia Treatment

Refractive Surgeon Chooses Dan Reinstein for His Surgery Since it was founded over two decades ago, the London Vision Clinic has treated tens of thousands of patients from all over the world. During this time, we have seen people from every walk of life enter our treatment room – including other refractive surgeons. Our access to the latest technology and Laser Eye Surgery techniques – often pioneered by our very own founder and surgeon, Professor Dan Reinstein – has secured…

How Ageing Affects Your Eyes (And How Laser Eye Surgery Can Help)

How Ageing Affects Your Eyes (And How Laser Eye Surgery Can Help) There comes a certain point in our lives when all the years behind us seem to suddenly catch up with us – at least on a physical level. Our knees become increasingly stubborn, our hair begins to exhibit never-before-seen shades of grey, and (perhaps most devastatingly) our eyes start to fail us. But how exactly does ageing affect the eyes – and how could Laser Eye Surgery help?…

The Evolution of Presbyopia Treatment

The Evolution of Presbyopia Treatment Declining vision is, unfortunately, an inevitability. Eventually, even those of us lucky enough to have enjoyed perfect vision for our whole lives will find ourselves in need of some sort of correction. In most cases, this will probably mean acquiring a pair of reading glasses – at least at first. But thankfully, over the last few decades, alternative options have been doing away with the need for reading glasses and contact lenses for presbyopia altogether…

Lens Types: What are Varifocals?

Lens Types: What are Varifocals? If you’ve spent most of your life living with a refractive error, you have probably grown used to the various problems that come with wearing glasses or the daily irritation of your contact lens regime. But as you get older, you may also begin to notice that your reading vision is not what it once was. This might leave you switching between different pairs of glasses, wearing reading glasses over your contact lenses, or just…

Lens Types: What are Bifocals?

Lens Types: What are Bifocals? So, you’ve worn glasses or contact lenses to correct your refractive error for years, but now, as you get older, you’ve begun to notice a deterioration in your reading vision. Maybe you’re switching between your regular prescription glasses and some cheap readers from the supermarket, or maybe you’re wearing the readers over the top of your lenses. One thing is certain though – you’re getting tired of switching between visual aids. Enter the bifocal lens….

Complete Guide to Recovery & Post-Operative Care after Laser Eye Surgery

Guide to Recovery & Post-Operative Care after Laser Eye Surgery Updated for 2024 Most of us rarely, if ever, stop and think about how incredible our eyes are. It’s easy to take our vision for granted, given that we use it every day for almost every task and job we ever perform. But it’s also easy for us to forget just how sensitive they can be. However, once a stray eyelash finds itself stuck in there, we become acutely aware…

Common Questions About Laser Eye Surgery for Presbyopia

Common Questions About Laser Eye Surgery for Presbyopia Despite the fact that Laser Corrective Surgery for presbyopia has now been around for almost 20 years (at London Vision Clinic, at least), many people are still unaware of its existence. For this reason, we regularly receive many questions from our patients about PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision. We decided to answer some of the more common questions below, to help you stay as informed as possible when considering your options for presbyopia….

The Curse of Ageing Eyes: What is Presbyopia?

The Curse of Ageing Eyes: What is Presbyopia? Throughout our lives, we have all probably noticed vision loss in other people. It may have first been apparent in your grandparents as they squinted at the menus at family gatherings, or later with your parents as they suddenly acquire reading glasses that they never needed before. Yet, many of us don’t give the effects of ageing on our eyes much thought until we begin to notice the changes ourselves. In the…