Anxious About Laser Eye Surgery? Why You Don’t Need to Be

Anxious About Laser Eye Surgery? Why You Don’t Need to Be In addition to providing one of our most valuable assets – our vision – our eyes are among the most vulnerable organs in our bodies. Their exposed position makes us extremely protective of them; so, when someone starts talking about aiming a laser at them, most of us will understandably shudder. This anxiety over Laser Eye Surgery is only exacerbated by a lack of education and age-old scaremongering in…

We are all biologically engineered to protect our eyes

We are all biologically engineered to protect our eyes With our bodies having various mechanisms and systems built in to protect itself, it’s no surprise we’re hardwired to stop any harm coming to our eyes. This is, of course, a great evolutionary adaptation. We are incredibly conscious about anything coming near them, including wasps, sand, and child-sized fingers. It can become somewhat problematic, though, when you’re faced with the situation in which your eyes aren’t functioning correctly and the body…

Never wear glasses or contact lenses again

Never wear glasses or contact lenses again In the early hours of January 1st this year, after one too many gin tonics, my friend slipped on some ice, faceplanted the pavement, chipped her front tooth, and received her first gift of the New Year: a grade III ankle sprain. Normally incredibly active and incapable of sitting still for thirty seconds, she was bound to crutches for nearly two months. That meant no sport, exercise, or even skipping up the stairs. Or…

9 Facts about Laser Eye Surgery to put your mind at rest

9 Facts about Laser Eye Surgery to put your mind at rest No marketing hype or fake news here. Just 9 concrete, evidence-backed facts to wash away your doubts and fears and clear up your understanding of Laser Eye Surgery — once and for all. 1. You will not go blind from Laser Eye Surgery Essentially, no. Technically there is an exceedingly small risk of blindness with laser eye surgery but it is lower than the risk of wearing monthly…