How Much Does Cataract Surgery Improve Vision?

How Much Does Cataract Surgery Improve Vision? While the development of cataracts is a completely normal part of the eye’s ageing process, it can have a detrimental effect on our vision. As such, Cataract Surgery is often necessary to prevent substantial vision loss and even blindness. But how much does Cataract Surgery really improve vision? What are Cataracts? Cataracts are blurry obstructions that form in the lens of the eye as we get older. They form when the proteins in…

How To Avoid Developing Dry Eyes During The Winter Months

Dry eye is a condition caused when your eyes produce an insufficient amount of tears and aren’t as well lubricated as they should be. Although this could be due to a number of complex reasons including Diabetes, Sjogren’s syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis or Parkinson’s, it is often caused by more common conditions such as being exposed to the cold weather during the winter months. …