Looking after your eyes camping during festival season

Looking after your eyes camping during festival season You’re planning to go hiking, camping, or to a festival, but between making sure you have everything packed and finalising arrangements, you’re lucky if you have time to give your eyes a thought. Yet other than your legs, sense of hearing, and the folding chairs, clear vision is one of the most important things you need for your trip. And so, especially if you wear contacts, it bears taking a few minutes…

Staying hydrated — And why it’s important for your eyes

Staying hydrated — and why it’s important for your eyes You know when you’re dehydrated. No matter what you do and how many litres of water you drink, you just can’t seem to take enough fluid in. This is weird when you think that dehydration is when more water leaves the body than enters the body. The thing is, though, whereas water can only enter the body through one inlet in your face, it can leave the body in many,…