Time for New Sunglasses? Make Sure They Really Protect Your Eyes

Time for New Sunglasses? Make Sure They Really Protect Your Eyes Every year, when summer rolls around once again, most of us have one simple wish in the back of our minds: Let there be sun! Whether we’re jetting off on holiday or simply hoping to make the most of the weather at home. No matter where we’re getting our solar fix from, though, we are always careful to take along our sun cream, hats, and sunglasses. But how can…

Top Tips to Prevent Damage to Your Eyes in the Summer

Top Tips to Prevent Damage to Your Eyes in the Summer Who doesn’t love Summertime? Whether you’re lounging on a beach somewhere, hanging out with friends in the local beer garden, or sunbathing in the back garden, the sun has an incredible ability to lift our mood. But it can also be a danger – to our skin, our hydration levels, and our eyes. Many of us put a lot of thought into looking good for the Summer. People start…

What Can You Do To Reduce Dry Eyes

What Can You Do To Reduce Dry Eyes Irritated, itchy, and dry. That’s how millions of people around the world would describe the condition of their eyes on a daily basis. If this sounds familiar, then you may not only have an inconvenient and uncomfortable situation on your hands but something more serious to your vision and long-term eye health. This is dry eye syndrome or keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS). And although it’s affecting an increasing number of people, it’s still often brushed off…