Practical Tips For Naturally Brighter & Whiter Eyes

Practical Tips For Naturally Brighter & Whiter Eyes A person’s eyes can stay with you for a long time after meeting them. As humans, we are naturally drawn to the eyes of the person we are interacting with. Whether that person is tall or short, bald or thick-haired, young or old – it is usually their eyes that hold our attention. And there is something about clear and shining eyes that leave a particularly lasting impression. However, the sad truth…

A Quick Guide to Good Eye Health

A Quick Guide to Good Eye Health Most of us tend to take the best care of the parts of our body we can see. We wash and condition our hair regularly, brush our teeth religiously, and even clean and trim our nails every now and then. But when it comes to the things we can’t see, many of us aren’t even sure exactly how to take care of them. To be fair, this makes a lot of sense. I mean, how…

Time for New Sunglasses? Make Sure They Really Protect Your Eyes

Time for New Sunglasses? Make Sure They Really Protect Your Eyes Every year, when summer rolls around once again, most of us have one simple wish in the back of our minds: Let there be sun! Whether we’re jetting off on holiday or simply hoping to make the most of the weather at home. No matter where we’re getting our solar fix from, though, we are always careful to take along our sun cream, hats, and sunglasses. But how can…

Top Tips to Prevent Damage to Your Eyes in the Summer

Top Tips to Prevent Damage to Your Eyes in the Summer Who doesn’t love Summertime? Whether you’re lounging on a beach somewhere, hanging out with friends in the local beer garden, or sunbathing in the back garden, the sun has an incredible ability to lift our mood. But it can also be a danger – to our skin, our hydration levels, and our eyes. Many of us put a lot of thought into looking good for the Summer. People start…

Staring at Facebook for 4 hours a day might be bad for you

Staring at Facebook for 4 hours a day might be bad for you Facebook has taken a bit of a bashing recently. Several studies have come out showing the damaging effects it can have on everything from relationships and love life to stress and self-esteem. Even the people who helped build the thing are coming out and declaring it’s “ripping society apart” thanks to its purposely designed “feedback loops”. For a site that calls itself a ‘social network’ and that brought…

London’s mayor committed to reduce pollution, what that means for your eyesight

London’s Mayor committed to reducing pollution, what this means for your eyesight Think of cities with a serious pollution problem and you think of Delhi or Beijing — places known for their heavy smog clouds that sweep over and blanket whole neighbourhoods for days, weeks, or months on end. Somewhere that doesn’t immediately come to mind, however, with all its talk of protecting the environment and supporting green energy, is London. Yet surprisingly enough — at least for those that…

Quick guide: Laser Eye Surgery and Alcohol

Laser Eye Surgery and Alcohol, a quick guide Pregnancy, surgery, breastfeeding, taking antibiotics, having dinner with the parents-in-law — all times in our life when we’re advised to stay away from the liquor cabinet. And also, uncoincidentally, the times in our lives when we could most do with a nice drink or two. Nine months with another person growing inside of you without even a tipple of wine? A week with an unbearable ear infection and no soothing nightcaps? A whole…