Guide to Alcohol and Laser Eye Surgery

Guide to Alcohol and Laser Eye Surgery Updated for 2024 Alcohol is a common feature in many of our lives, whether we enjoy a toast to celebrate important events, a glass of wine to unwind for the evening, or even the occasional eventful pub crawl. But while alcohol consumption is usually nothing to be too concerned about (when done in moderation), what are the rules when it comes to surgery? Is it safe to have a cheeky drink before or…

What causes halos after LASIK? [VIDEO]

What Causes Halos After LASIK? The appearance of halos is one of the most common side effects associated with Laser Eye surgery treatment. No, that doesn’t mean you will be walking around with a glowing ring floating above your head as soon as you leave the treatment room. We’re talking about another kind of halo. Visual halos are a form of glare that can temporarily affect vision after undergoing refractive surgery. They occur mainly at night and in low light conditions –…

Quick guide: Laser Eye Surgery recovery

Quick guide: Laser Eye Surgery recovery Which part of the body heals the fastest? How about the skin: the largest organ in the body and our outer barrier to the world that has to endure scratching, scrapes, cuts, abrasions, burns, and a whole heap of abuse every day. Or what about something like the liver? Our largest internal organ that never stops filtering blood, supporting the digestive system, and detoxifying the barrage of chemicals and toxins we pound it with. Well,…

Our most popular posts of 2016

Our most popular posts of 2016 2016 was dominated by what’s been called “a political earthquake”. And when looking back, an earthquake is a fitting metaphor to describe the year as a whole. Brexit, chaotic weather, exploding smartphones, the Zika virus, explosions in airports, the death of stars and political legends, and, not forgetting, surprise reality star presidents. Many things happened in 2016 that shook the world to its core. But aside from the tragedies and political upsets, there was…

Laser Eye Surgery results FAQ

Laser Eye Surgery results FAQ If you’re looking for our results, you can review the London Vision Clinic’s statistical results and patient reviews. Can I go blind after Laser Eye Surgery? To watch Mr. Glenn Carp answer this question in a video click here. Essentially, no. Technically there is an exceedingly small risk of blindness with laser eye surgery but it is lower than the risk of wearing monthly contact lenses for one year, so a risk that everyone seems to…