Common questions regarding aftercare

Q. In what cases would I need to have “24/7” access to the surgeon by mobile phone?

We provide your laser eye surgeon’s mobile phone number to patients, as an emergency contact number should the patient feel that they require immediate medical attention. Emergencies are extremely rare.

Q. What should I do if my eyes are blurry after treatment?

Blurry vision is common and expected, initially after treatment. As long as you are following all of the post-operative instructions provided in your aftercare package, the blurriness should pass in time.

Q. What should I do if I feel pain or soreness after the surgery?

It is not common to feel pain or soreness after LASIK surgery, but patients commonly experience discomfort after PRK or LASEK surgery. Following all of the post-operative instructions are mandatory, but if problems persist, you are encouraged to contact the clinic at 0207 224 1005 and speak to one of our clinical staff.

Q. How does aftercare differ with LASIK and PRK / LASEK?

Postoperative instructions differ between LASIK and PRK / LASEK. This includes the eye drops we instruct you to instil, the frequency of aftercare appointments in the first week following surgery, and the types of activities to be avoided in the first month after surgery.

Q. How will I know if I need an enhancement?

Because we will be examining you at 1 day, 1-3 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months, we will have plenty of opportunities to assess your progress, satisfaction with your vision, and discuss any options that may be safe and effective with the aim of improving your results.

Browse our 101 questions and answers to gain more insight into the treatments offered at London Vision Clinic or contact one of our Patient Care Coordinators for more information.