Laser Eye Surgery FAQs: Aftercare

Laser Eye Surgery Aftercare FAQs

The prospect of having Laser Eye Surgery can be daunting, to say the least. Even if you put the thought of the actual procedure to the back of your mind, it is often difficult to know what implications the treatment could truly have on your vision and wider life, particularly during your recovery period.

That’s why we decided to put together this handy article, covering some of our most frequently asked questions about Laser Eye Surgery Aftercare. Read on to find out everything you need to know!

What should I do if my vision is blurry after treatment?

While many patients notice an immediate improvement in their visual acuity after Laser Eye Surgery, some blurriness is to be expected in the first few hours. This is usually nothing to worry about and the blurriness should pass in time.

Ensure you are following the post-operative instructions provided in your aftercare package as this will help make your recovery as smooth and as fast as possible. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the clinic.

For more information on this topic, click here.

What should I do if I feel pain or soreness after Laser Eye Surgery?

While the Laser Eye Surgery procedure itself should be pain-free, it is possible to experience some discomfort during the first hours of your recovery – particularly if you had a surface procedure such as PRK/LASEK. However, this tends to be mild and can usually be managed with over-the-counter painkillers (these will be provided in your aftercare package).

If any pain or discomfort persists, we recommend that you get in touch with the clinic so we can assess the situation further.

For more information on this topic, click here.

Why would I need to have 24/7 access to my surgeon?

At London Vision Clinic, every patient will be provided with the personal mobile number of their treating surgeon. This allows you to quickly contact your surgeon in the case of an emergency or for advice on any urgent queries. Thankfully, emergencies following Laser Eye Surgery are extremely rare!

For more information on this topic, click here.

How does aftercare differ between LASIK and PRK / LASEK?

While the long-term outcomes of different Laser Eye Surgery procedures (such as PRK/LASEK and LASIK) are generally the same, the initial recovery period can differ significantly. For example, your eyes will take longer to heal after PRK/LASEK due to the more invasive nature of the procedure.

Your post-operative instructions will also vary depending on the procedure you have. This includes differences in your eyedrop regime, the frequency of your aftercare appointments in the first week following your surgery, and how quickly you can resume regular activities. But don’t worry – your surgeon will explain this in detail on the day of your surgery!

For more information on this topic, click here.

How will I know if I need an enhancement procedure?

In a small number of cases, the first round of treatment may not be as successful as we would like. This usually means that you would be able to achieve even more improvement with a second procedure – this is known as an enhancement procedure.

We will be able to determine whether this would be beneficial to you during your aftercare appointments which will be scheduled for 1 day, 1-3 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months after your surgery. This gives us plenty of opportunities to assess your progress and your satisfaction with your results.

At London Vision Clinic, we offer free enhancement procedures to patients who could benefit from them. For more information, get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators. Alternatively, Book a Consultation to start your journey to clear vision today!