PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision surgery recovery time

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision surgery recovery time

If you know a little bit about PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision, you may have noticed it treats the symptoms of presbyopia in a similar way to the traditional approach of monovision.

This is indeed true. Both treatments work by increasing the range of your vision by independently altering the focus of each eye — one to work better up close, and the other to work better at a distance.

But the similarities end there.

Think of monovision like as the baby of presbyopia treatment, and PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision as the mature adult into which it has grown. The core mechanisms are the same, but several improvements mean PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision is safer, more effective, and much easier to adapt to.

Monovision was always a less than ideal solution. By adjusting one eye to work for near vision and one for distance, it fails to provide the patient with a smooth vision profile, causing a loss in depth perception and what’s become known as an intermediate ‘blur zone’.

Similarly, Laser Blended Vision intentionally corrects the eyes slightly differently: one (the dominant eye) focused to see mainly distance to intermediate vision (computer-viewing distance), while the other eye is focused to be clearest up close at a normal reading distance with continuous focus into intermediate where it overlaps or ‘blends’ with the intermediate vision of the other eye.

In this way, PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision creates a much more natural depth profile and not a blur but a ‘blend zone’. The brain is better able to merge images from the two eyes together, and the result is you can focus on objects at near, intermediate, and far distances seamlessly.

It’s because PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision adjusts the eye in a way the brain is more familiar with that it is more tolerated than monovision, and patients tend to adapt to it far more quickly.

Adapting to PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision is as easy as popping on a pair of glasses — it just takes a bit longer

The exact length of recovery following PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision varies from person to person. It all depends on how quickly your brain adjusts and learns to focus on distant and near objects using the blend zone.

During the adaptation time, you may experience that your distance vision or near vision is ‘not quite right’ because of confusion of the images between the two eyes. The good news is that this visual confusion is instantly reversed by a simple pair of temporary spectacles. You do not have to worry about the use of these ‘balancing spectacles’ affecting your recovery and neural adaptation. This feeling will gradually reduce over time – complete adaptation takes about 4-6 months on average. It is faster for some patients but can take up to a year in others. Your surgeon will keep an eye on your progress over the following weeks and months at your aftercare appointments. Adaptation may also be hindered if the refraction is not exactly on target, but an enhancement procedure can be performed in such cases.

There’s a high likelihood that if, after going through a comprehensive screening process, you’re deemed fully suitable for PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision, then you’ll have no problem at all adapting to your new vision.

For a lot of people, this means clear and stress-free vision for the rest of their lives, the question of taking a bit of time to adapt to a new way of seeing is barely given a second thought. But it’s none the less a big decision, and therefore it warrants a good amount of attention, research, and consideration.

To find out more about PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision, read more about it here or leave us a comment below.

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Categories: Laser eye surgery