Common Misconceptions About Ageing: You Don’t Need to Suffer Reading Glasses

Common Misconceptions About Ageing: You Don’t Need to Suffer Reading Glasses It’s an inevitable problem. One day, all of us will find that reading a newspaper, checking receipts, and even reading restaurant menus no longer comes so easily. Unfortunately, with age comes deteriorating eyesight (among many other things). But that doesn’t mean we have to suffer reading glasses! Anyone who has reached a certain age will soon begin to notice the loss of their near-vision focusing ability. Eventually, whether after a…

Is Laser Eye Surgery Available Through the NHS?

Is Laser Eye Surgery Available Through the NHS? The National Health Service (NHS) has long been a uniting fixture of the British people. Founded in the wake of the Second World War in 1948, the NHS has saved the lives of countless people and provided much-needed universal care for decades. But there are some areas that the NHS can’t cover – at least not in all cases. It is estimated that there are over 1.6 million interactions between patients and…

Anxious About Laser Eye Surgery? Why You Don’t Need to Be

Anxious About Laser Eye Surgery? Why You Don’t Need to Be In addition to providing one of our most valuable assets – our vision – our eyes are among the most vulnerable organs in our bodies. Their exposed position makes us extremely protective of them; so, when someone starts talking about aiming a laser at them, most of us will understandably shudder. This anxiety over Laser Eye Surgery is only exacerbated by a lack of education and age-old scaremongering in…

Can Laser Eye Surgery Give Me ‘Supersight’?

Can Laser Eye Surgery Give Me ‘Supersight’? Generally speaking, most of us tend to associate lasers with sci-fi movies, futuristic weapons, and even superpowers. So, it can be easy to get somewhat carried away when thinking about Laser Eye Surgery and wonder: “Can Laser Eye Surgery give me supersight?”. Of course, the answer to this question largely depends on exactly what you mean by “supersight”. For example, if you’re expecting X-ray vision, the ability to shoot lasers out of your…

Guide to Contact Lenses, Glasses, and Laser Eye Surgery

Guide to Contact Lenses, Glasses, and Laser Eye Surgery Updated for 2024 You might think that the choice between contact lenses, glasses, and Laser Eye Surgery is pretty straightforward. But your opinion can vary based on a wide range of factors. Depending on who you ask, the news articles you read, and even your stage in life, your opinions on Laser Eye Surgery and how it compares with glasses and contact lenses can vary significantly. So, here at London Vision…

Costs of High-Profile Treatment for Higher Prescriptions [VIDEO]

Costs of High-Profile Treatment for Higher Prescriptions It is not uncommon at London Vision Clinic for us to see patients who have been told their high prescription makes them unsuitable for Laser Eye Surgery. However, in our experience, this is often not the case. With access to state-of-the-art Laser Eye Surgery technology and world-class expertise, we are able to treat very high prescriptions at our Harley Street clinic. But, you may wonder, is high-profile treatment more expensive than standard treatment?…

Can I eat or drink prior to my Laser Eye Surgery?

Can I eat or drink before my Laser Eye Surgery? If you have ever had any kind of surgery or procedure, you will likely have been told to undergo a period of fasting before you head into the treatment room. Depending on the time of your procedure, this may mean simply skipping breakfast and your morning coffee, but in some cases, you may be required to go more than 12 hours without a bite to eat. The need for the…

Questions: When can I fly after having Laser Eye Surgery?

When can I fly after having Laser Eye Surgery? Making the decision to have Laser Eye Surgery can undoubtedly come with a lot of questions. Many of these questions are about patient eligibility, preparation, and the procedure itself, but it is just as important to be aware of how treatment will affect your life afterwards. For example, when can you expect to be back at work? When can you hit the gym? And how soon can you jet off on a…

What causes halos after LASIK? [VIDEO]

What Causes Halos After LASIK? The appearance of halos is one of the most common side effects associated with Laser Eye surgery treatment. No, that doesn’t mean you will be walking around with a glowing ring floating above your head as soon as you leave the treatment room. We’re talking about another kind of halo. Visual halos are a form of glare that can temporarily affect vision after undergoing refractive surgery. They occur mainly at night and in low light conditions –…