Laser Eye Surgery News

What’s Included In Laser Eye Surgery Costs?

Many eye clinics attract patients by keeping surgery prices low by treating a high turnover of patients (sticking to simpler cases and offering a reduced standard of care). At London Vision Clinic, perfection is our minimum standard. Gain further insight into what the laser eye surgery cost includes to drive the best possible vision results….

Laser Eye Surgery finance choices

Laser Eye Surgery finance choices   Napolean allegedly said we’re a nation of shopkeepers, suggesting that England’s riches and wealth was all thanks to good old commerce. And who can argue with that — as a nation, there’s nothing we love more than to shop. And so when it comes to hitting the high street or online stores to buy our goods and services, there’s certainly no shortage of options to help us do so. One of which is rapidly growing in…

Laser Eye Surgery: Home or Abroad?

Laser Eye Surgery: Home or Abroad? We’re living in a new world, a world dominated by the Coronavirus Pandemic, even forgetting our exit from the European Union. It’s probably fair to say that travelling abroad will never be the same again. However, many still consider going overseas for elective surgery to be cheaper than being treated in the UK. And, what could be better: going abroad and getting some sun, and at the same time, saving money on a treatment…

How much could Laser Eye Surgery save you

How much could Laser Eye Surgery save you What’s the best investment you’ve ever made? For most people, the answer to this question will be something they bought like a house, that fancy SUV, or a wedding ring. For others, it will be an experience, like that month-long journey on the trans-Siberian express, or the time you put on the best party ever to celebrate someone’s birthday or an anniversary. These investments are the most common for a reason —…

Can I have a glass of wine to celebrate my Laser Eye Surgery?

Can I have a glass of wine to celebrate my Laser Eye Surgery? Recovering from any surgery is an unpleasant experience at the best of times, and an absolute nightmare at the worst. And just to make it that little more unenjoyable, we’re advised to stay away from any alcohol whatsoever. That often means no relaxing glasses of wine, no whisky nightcaps, and definitely not any celebratory champers. When you can finally get back on the sauce depends on a number…

What’s the recovery period for surgery like?

What’s the recovery period for surgery like? The typical recovery process after Laser Eye Surgery is surprisingly quick and trouble-free. From the very first moments after the procedure, patients see significant improvements in their quality of vision, and as soon as the next day is back into their normal routine. But not everyone is lucky enough to have a typical recovery. In reality, the speed and smoothness of an individual’s journey back to full health varies according to things like age, health, the…

How to avoid suffering from an eye injury

How to avoid suffering from an eye injury Whether your work involves filling out spreadsheets on a computer or handling heavy machinery, clear vision is essential to getting the job done as efficiently and effectively as possible. Let’s take a look at five of the main factors that are most important in keeping your eyes safe from harm: Proper eye protection The vast majority of eye injuries can be avoided. And the best way to ensure you avoid them or…

Screen fatigue: How to care for tired eyes

Screen fatigue: How to care for tired eyes Chances are you’ve got to the end of a long day of working at the computer and felt like using your eyes to look at anything is an effort. Overall, you feel tired, drained, and like all you want to do is rest. But when you finally do shut them and go to bed, you realise you still have a tonne of energy and can’t sleep a wink. This is a typical…

Season’s Greetings

Seasons Greetings As we come to the close of one of the most extraordinary years in living history, our hearts go out to those who have suffered painful losses. We are deeply grateful for your continued trust and support of our clinic and team this year. We look forward to looking after you, your friends and family in 2021 with our relentless efforts to always deliver the very highest standard of care and results possible to our patients. We send…

The everyday inconvenience of specs

The everyday inconvenience of specs Glasses are the ultimate in visual convenience. Whenever your eyes need a bit of extra support, they’re there to help you out—if you can find them. As you can see, or not see at the moment, this on/off vison has its drawbacks. One of the main ones being that they don’t correct your vision permanently, but rather tie you to a flimsy medical device that you have to wear on your face. As they are…