Essential Advice to Maintain Your Eye Health

Essential Advice on Eye Health

Last year, National Eye Health Week reminded us all of the importance of regular eye tests. It’s recommended we have our eyes examined at least every two years, not only to ensure they’re healthy, but also to check for changes to our current prescriptions….

Understanding Your Eyes: What they say about your health

Understanding Your Eyes: What they say about your health As the windows through which we see the world – whether it be to admire beautiful landscapes, binge-watch the latest must-see TV show, or read articles like this one – our eyes are incredibly powerful and sophisticated. With more than 2 million working parts, our eyes are among the most complex structures on the planet. They allow us to convert light into a clear view of the world around us. But…

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Low Blood Pressure?

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Low Blood Pressure? In recent years, continued development in the Laser Eye Surgery field has meant that more people than ever before are now eligible for this life-changing treatment. Unfortunately, there remain some cases in which Laser Eye Surgery won’t be an option. But will having low blood pressure affect your suitability for Laser Eye Surgery? Let’s find out! What is Low Blood Pressure? Low blood pressure – also known as…

Will I Have a Speedy Recovery from Laser Eye Surgery?

Surgery is such a heavy word, and often can often bring with it a feeling of fear or hesitation; it can make you pause and think, “Do I really need this?” In the knowledge that laser eye surgery is a 100% optional procedure, you might well ask yourself important questions such as, “is this the right choice for me?”, “do the benefits outweigh the costs?”, and “how long will it take me to recover?”…

Could My Sight Be Over-Corrected After Laser Eye Surgery?

Could My Sight Be Over-Corrected After Laser Eye Surgery? If you’re considering or even awaiting Laser Eye Surgery treatment, you have probably had a hundred questions and concerns running through your head. From common queries like, “Does Laser Eye Surgery hurt?“, to more specific questions like, “What if I have corneal scarring?“. You may even have worried about having blurry vision after Laser Eye Surgery. But it’s unlikely you will have considered whether your vision can be over-corrected after Laser…

Travelling from Abroad for Laser Eye Surgery?

For the majority of London Vision Clinic patients, the waiting time before their surgery, although exciting, can also be an anxious period. However, when Jill Shardlow had her operation two years ago there was no opportunity for her to feel nervous… when the big moment arrived, it was all rather unexpected….

Top Tips: How to Eat Seasonally For Better Vision

Here at London Vision Clinic, as much as we love to see you, we encourage you to keep your eyes healthy by eating healthily for get a better vision. Your diet and choosing to eat the right foods can prevent long term eye problems later in life. In season vegetables can be incorporated into fun and inventive recipes that are both healthily delicious and good for your vision!…