PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision: A revolutionary treatment for presbyopia

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision: A revolutionary treatment for presbyopia

First available in the UK at London Vision Clinic, PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision is an innovative treatment for ageing eyes which was pioneered by Professor Dan Reinstein.

Presbyopia literally translates as ‘old eye’. Unfortunately, ageing affects the eye just as it affects every other part of the body. Starting in early middle age, the lens inside the eye begins to lose its ability to change shape ‘zoom’ from distance to near and back.

As we can’t avoid ageing, nobody is immune to developing presbyopia, and if left unchecked, inevitably leads to the need for reading glasses, bifocals, or varifocals.

What is presbyopia?

In this short video, expert laser eye surgeon Mr Glenn Carp explains what exactly is presbyopia and how it changes the eyes as we get older.

How does PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision work?

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision — a treatment pioneered by Professor Dan Reinstein in conjunction with Carl Zeiss Meditec — can significantly reduce, or even eliminate, the need for reading glasses, bifocals, or varifocals for many years.

Thousands of patients have already benefited from this remarkable treatment, which London Vision Clinic have offered since 2005.

You may have heard that LASIK Laser Eye Surgery can’t correct for reading vision, near vision, or the effects of ageing on the eye. A very common myth is that presbyopia is only correctable by a more invasive procedure of surgically implanting a lens inside the eye. However, this information is now significantly out of date: over 10 years ago, London Vision Clinic’s medical director, Professor Reinstein, pioneered a method of increasing the depth of field of the eye using a revolutionary Laser Eye Surgery technique.

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision is considered to have major advantages over intraocular lens implants (IOLs). Firstly, it’s a significantly less invasive (and therefore safer) procedure. Secondly, it doesn’t require the same compromises as IOLs (where multifocal IOLs can affect the quality of the vision). Thirdly, it’s very accurate, and it can be adjusted as the eye ages further.

What’s more, it’s suitable for around 97% of ageing eyes, while only around 60% of people can tolerate monovision (an alternative solution for presbyopia, which use contact lenses or older laser systems).

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision has been adopted by Carl Zeiss Meditec and programmed into their lasers, so clinics around the world are now able to offer this option. While many Laser Eye Surgery clinics in the UK still resort to lens replacement surgery for correcting ageing eyes, London Vision Clinic are proud to offer PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision — a far less invasive option, suitable for the vast majority of patients.

Contact us for a free information pack, and learn if PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision can help you read without glasses.

The key advantages of PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision adjusts each eye in slightly different ways: one eye is adjusted to see mostly at distance, and a little close-up, while the other is the opposite: mostly up close, and a little at distance.

The brain compensates for this change almost instantly, combining the two images to give much greater depth of vision, and an all-round improvement in visual acuity that means most patients can throw away those infuriating reading glasses.

  • Over 98% of PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision patients can read normal newsprint (‘N8’).
  • Over 90% of PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision patients can read the small print on medicine bottle inserts.

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision vs Monovision and IOLs

As well as being significantly less invasive (and therefore safer) than solutions which use IOLs, PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision is much more effective and easier to adapt to than monovision. Monovision uses contact lenses (or older laser systems) to make one eye focused on near and one eye focused on distance. The system is far less sophisticated and suitable for just over half of patients.

As mentioned, not only does PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision minimise the risks and compromises necessitated by IOLs and monovision, but studies have also shown that it’s suitable for pretty much anyone. So, while we may not be able to completely stop the ageing process in its tracks (at least not yet), we can make it much more comfortable and convenient for almost everyone.

If you’d like to book a consultation at London Vision Clinic, or find out more about Laser Eye Surgery for ageing eyes, leave us a comment or give us a call us on 020 7224 1005.


Categories: Laser eye surgery