Laser Eye Surgery: Results in the Long-Term

The modern laser technique has been used for the last 20 years, first developed by Barraquer in 1950’s, and today more than 17 million people have undergone the laser eye surgery procedure worldwide. Scientific researchers, who track LASIK complications, believe there are probably no significant negative long-term effects from laser surgery….

Travelling from Abroad for Laser Eye Surgery?

For the majority of London Vision Clinic patients, the waiting time before their surgery, although exciting, can also be an anxious period. However, when Jill Shardlow had her operation two years ago there was no opportunity for her to feel nervous… when the big moment arrived, it was all rather unexpected….

Championing Verbal Anaesthesia for Laser Eye Surgery

Championing Verbal Anaesthesia for Laser Eye Surgery One of the most common anxieties we find patients have about Laser Eye Surgery is the question of anaesthesia. We are often asked whether patients are put to sleep (general anaesthetic) during surgery and many are alarmed to discover that they will, in fact, be awake throughout the whole procedure. But at London Vision Clinic, our surgeons are experts in administering verbal anaesthesia (alongside local anaesthetic, of course!) to put our patients’ minds…

Eye Health Q&A with Expert Laser Eye Surgeon Prof. Dan Reinstein

Eye Health Q&A with Expert Laser Eye Surgeon Prof. Dan Reinstein In our busy modern lives, it can be surprisingly easy to forget about one of the most important assets we have – our eyes. While many of us take our vision for granted every day, expert Laser Eye Surgeon Professor Dan Reinstein is explaining why it is so important to be on our toes when it comes to our eye health. In your opinion, do people generally take good…

Do Laser Eye Surgery Results Correlate with Technology?

The technique the preceded LASIK was first made possible around the 1950’s, since then the laser technology and procedural developments have been great and the success rates are continuously improving. This begs the question: do laser eye surgery results correlate with the laser eye surgery technology?…

Scar Tissue And Laser Eye Surgery

A not so common issue, but still one that we continually see is that of scar tissue on the eyes. Scar tissue can occur at any point in a person’s life due to a physically or traumatic incident such as a car or sports accident. Additionally, it can also be the result of certain medical conditions. This can cause distorted and blurred vision and in some cases, this can even result in discomfort. Not all conditions that result in scar tissue are applicable for corrective eye surgery. However, renovations in laser eye surgery have made it possible to operate in some cases and patients have seen major improvements.