Patient Testimonial: Life After Laser Eye Surgery [VIDEO]

Patient Testimonial: Life After Laser Eye Surgery [VIDEO]

Those of us who need to wear glasses – whether for long-sightedness, short-sightedness or for reading – know just how annoying they can be. After a time, though, this annoyance simply becomes a part of life. After all, without our glasses – or contact lenses – it can be difficult to perform a number of everyday tasks. But, it is this ‘getting used to it’ outlook that makes the results of Laser Eye Surgery seem even more amazing when you finally decide to take the plunge.

When you have worn glasses for years, opening your eyes for the first time after surgery can be overwhelming. Even at this early stage, many of our patients see an immediate improvement in their vision – as Chris, featured in the video above – also found.

However, we know all too well that your journey to better vision doesn’t end there. That’s why we provide substantial aftercare support to ensure you truly get the most out of your new and improved eyesight. So, what does aftercare at London Vision Clinic look like?

Well, for Chris, it looked like this.

The 24 Hours Post-Surgery

In the video, we meed Chris outside our Harley Street Surgery just after his one-day post-surgery consultation with Professor Dan Reinstein.

“I feel fantastic, I can’t stop smiling. Life is so much easier now my eyesight is – well, 20/20, apparently, perhaps even better than that. I had no discomfort last night, no pain, no irritation – what’s all the fuss about? Why didn’t I do this so much earlier?”

One month later, it was time for another check-up with one of our experienced and knowledgeable optometrists. Here, Chris was able to learn more about any side effects and fluctuations in vision he was experiencing – all of which are completely normal following Laser Eye Surgery.

Common side effects of Laser Eye Surgery include blurry vision and glare – including in the form of starbursts and haloes. These occurrences are caused by the natural swelling of the eye that happens following surgery. Most patients can expect these side effects to cease within a few weeks to months following treatment.

The important thing to remember is that these side effects are usually nothing to worry about. Furthermore, regular check-ups with our optometrists at London Vision Clinics help to ensure a smooth recovery after treatment.

The Months Following Laser Eye Surgery

A month later, Chris again catches us up after his check-up: “I’ve just been to see the optometrist for my one-month check and apparently it’s gone fantastically well – I’m healing. But the optometrist has explained to me why I have been experiencing some of the sensations post-op – that are completely normal – but they are the questions I had coming here today and I’m feeling completely reassured.”

Chris came to London Vision Clinic for treatment for Presbyopia, also known as ageing eyes. This is a concern that will affect us all eventually and likely lead to the need for reading glasses – and maybe additional vision aids. Fortunately, there is a simple treatment that can reverse this natural part of the ageing process, giving us youthful eyes for years to come.

Presbyond® Laser Blended Vision

Presbyond® is an innovative and extremely effective treatment for Presbyopia. It works by altering the focusing power of the eye – an ability that deteriorates as we get older. To address this deterioration, Presbyond® treatment involves altering one eye to work better for close-up vision with a little distance while the other eye is altered to work in the opposite way.

This is known as ‘blended vision’. Presbyond® creates a ‘blend zone’ which allows you to see clearly at close-up, middle distance, and far distance – all in one field of vision.

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision works in a slightly different way from other kinds of Laser Eye Surgery. As such, the recovery process can also be a little different. The recovery time will vary from person to person, depending on how quickly the brain adapts to the new way of seeing.

However, many patients are able to adjust to blended vision within a few months – as Chris found.

Recovering from Laser Eye Surgery

Towards the end of his journey, we talk to Chris in his living room. It is eight months after his treatment for Presbyopia and he has now fully adapted to his new vision.

“It’s around eight months now, post-surgery, I have been reflecting on my whole experience with London Vision Clinic as my eyes adapt to my new blended vision. It’s fantastic – glasses are a distant memory. Everything I have needed has been thereeven eye drops, if I ask for them, they’re there the next day.

“They’ve been brilliant at keeping me on track with what’s happening. It’s been a great experience!”

At London Vision Clinic, we take aftercare seriously. Our expert optometrists, along with your surgeon, are on hand to help with any questions every step of the way – you will even be given your surgeon’s telephone number for urgent enquiries!

So, if you are considering Laser Eye Surgery, you can be confident that you will get the support and expertise you require, right here at London Vision Clinic.

To learn more about Presbyond® Laser Blended Vision, get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators today. If you would like to find out if you are eligible for treatment, Book a Consultation today.