How the Eye Works: Nature’s Own Camera

How the Eye Works: Nature’s Own Camera There are few things in the natural universe more complex than the eye. This vital organ may be small but it works using an abundance of processes and components – all of which must be running smoothly – to give us a clear image of the world around us. In this role, our eyes have become one of the greatest assets we have – an invaluable part of our bodies and lives. So,…

These are the Colours Your Eyes Can’t See

These are the Colours Your Eyes Can’t See It is quite common that we humans assume the so-called colour spectrum contains all the colours that exist in the world. And that’s true – that is, all the colours that exist in the human world. In reality, there are lots of colours that are simply not perceptible by the average human eye. For the sake of most arguments, colour is simply considered the range of light across the electromagnetic spectrum that…

Practical Tips For Naturally Brighter & Whiter Eyes

Practical Tips For Naturally Brighter & Whiter Eyes What is often the first thing you notice about someone when meeting them for the first time? Or the last thing you remember when they walk away? Why, their eyes, of course! As humans, we are automatically drawn to the eyes of our fellow beings. Whether they are six feet tall or four; bald or thick-haired; in their twenties or their eighties – there is something about clear and shining eyes that…

A brief anatomy of the eye

A Brief Anatomy of the Eye When trying to understand how Laser Eye Surgery treatments can effectively correct a whole host of vision impairments, it can be useful to learn a little bit more about the eye itself. As one of the most complex structures known to man, the eye remains something of a mystery to most people. Despite using our eyes at every waking moment of the day, we rarely give a second thought to how this miracle actually…

Arghh!! Hayfever and contact lens woes

Arghh!! Hayfever and Contact Lens Woes The sun is shining, the flowers are in full bloom and everyone is in a better mood. We’re in the midst of Summer – one of the best times of year – so, what’s not to like? What can be better than jumping out of bed in the morning, throwing open the curtains, opening the windows and taking a long, deep breath of the Summer air? While it might sound heavenly, we might actually…

How to avoid suffering from an eye injury

How to avoid suffering from an eye injury Whether your work involves filling out spreadsheets on a computer or handling heavy machinery, clear vision is essential to getting the job done as efficiently and effectively as possible. Let’s take a look at five of the main factors that are most important in keeping your eyes safe from harm: Proper eye protection The vast majority of eye injuries can be avoided. And the best way to ensure you avoid them or…

The incredible vision of a south-east African tribe

The incredible vision of a south-east African tribe Our vision adapts to the world we live in. But natural evolution can only move so fast, and there’s no limit to the speed at which the world can change. So, when in just a few generations the average person’s day shifts from spending hours out in wide-open spaces, full of natural light, different colours and contrasts, and moving objects at varying distances, to sitting in an office in a city and…

What do your eyes reveal about who you are?

What do your eyes reveal about who you are? Everyone has heard the saying “the eyes are the windows to the soul”. It’s been so overused in advertising and daily speech that it’s almost lost all meaning. But like most cliches, there’s a reason it has stuck around in the public consciousness. Mentioned in the bible in Matthew 6 22-23, and being very similar to proverbs in several languages, such as the French, ‘Les yeux sont le miroir de l’dme’, “The…

Dolphins, eagles and other animals with better vision than you

Dolphins, eagles, and other animals with better vision than you When it comes to a lot of natural abilities, humans are by far top of the pile. We can use tools like cutlery and computers and surgical equipment to improve our lives and society as a whole. We can conceive complex, multidimensional ideas, and project into the future and think back long into the past. And when it comes to vision, well, we can see pretty well. We can perceive…

4 Misconceptions about your eye health

4 Misconceptions about your eye health There’s an abundance of ideas and misconceptions about vision and keeping your eyes healthy out there. At best, they’re funny and harmless, like if you cross your eyes for too long they’ll stay that way. At worst, they can be damaging to your health. The big problem is, because there are so many, it can be difficult to know which are fact and which are fiction. To know what’s fake news and what’s legitimate,…