Will My Vision Fluctuate After Laser Eye Surgery?

Will My Vision Fluctuate After Laser Eye Surgery? Laser Eye Surgery is one of the world’s safest and most commonly performed procedures. Tens of millions of people are now enjoying the results of their laser-corrected vision. In fact, in the UK alone, an estimated 15,000 people have Laser Eye Surgery every year! Compared with other surgical procedures, Laser Eye Surgery is minimally invasive, has fast recovery times, and requires little time in the clinic. But that isn’t to say there…

Essential Advice to Maintain Your Eye Health

Essential Advice on Eye Health

Last year, National Eye Health Week reminded us all of the importance of regular eye tests. It’s recommended we have our eyes examined at least every two years, not only to ensure they’re healthy, but also to check for changes to our current prescriptions….

Understanding Your Eyes: What they say about your health

Understanding Your Eyes: What they say about your health As the windows through which we see the world – whether it be to admire beautiful landscapes, binge-watch the latest must-see TV show, or read articles like this one – our eyes are incredibly powerful and sophisticated. With more than 2 million working parts, our eyes are among the most complex structures on the planet. They allow us to convert light into a clear view of the world around us. But…

10 Amazing Eye Facts That Will Change How You See The World

Eyes are complex organs, so it’s really important to take care of them with the best specialists. Some scientists have even called them a wonder of nature. How they enable you to see is a fascinating biological process. We’d like to share with you 10 fascinating facts about your eyes that you might not know….

What Effects Can City Life Have On Your Eyes?

What Effects Can City Life Have On Your Eyes? Living and working in a big city like London can be great. The transport links are convenient, the food options are outstanding, and the nightlife is exceptional. But with all these benefits, city life can undoubtedly take a toll on our eyes. From air pollution and lighting to crowded underground stations and bright screens, our eyes face a barrage of stimuli, yet we barely even blink at the thought of long-term…

Protect Your Eyes During Camping and Festival Season

Protect Your Eyes During Camping and Festival Season Every year when spring rolls around, we are blinded by the promise of warmer (and longer) days and all the fun that goes with them. You may be an avid camper who’s hoping the rain will hold off so you can get back to nature; or perhaps you’re eagerly awaiting leaving your regular life behind for a long weekend of music and chill vibes at one of the country’s many music festivals….

Why Staying Hydrated is Important for Eye Health

Why Staying Hydrated is Important for Eye Health In the UK, we are lucky enough to have access to water almost everywhere we go – it is, quite literally, on tap. Moreover, water takes up nearly three-quarters of the earth’s surface, floats around in the air in the form of vapour, and is even stored beneath the land under our feet. Yet, many of us are still not putting enough of it in our bodies. This can have a significant…

What If My Optometrist Finds A Problem I Didn’t Know About?

People avoid doctors for many reasons. Some find appointments difficult to pack into a busy schedule, some are unwilling to open up to a doctor, or worried about perceived ‘time wasting’, and many even fear that being amongst sick people in the doctor’s waiting room will result in contamination! However, something that is perhaps discussed less often is the common fear that a doctor may find a problem that is bigger than what the appointment was initially booked for. This fear is, for many people, a reason to avoid regular visits to the GP, dentist, or optometrist….

A Quick Guide to Good Eye Health

A Quick Guide to Good Eye Health Most of us tend to take the best care of the parts of our body we can see. We wash and condition our hair regularly, brush our teeth religiously, and even clean and trim our nails every now and then. But when it comes to the things we can’t see, many of us aren’t even sure exactly how to take care of them. To be fair, this makes a lot of sense. I mean, how…