Laser Eye Surgery in 2020

Laser Eye Surgery in 2020 2020: It’s the year of the world’s first robot Olympics and a time when more people will have mobile phones than electricity, cars will drive themselves, and your typical home computer will have the processing power of a human brain. But what does it have in store for Laser Eye Surgery? Well, if its history is anything to go by, a lot — a heck of a lot. Since the dawn of the first laser eye treatment…

Why London is the best place in the UK for Laser Eye Surgery

Why London is the best place in the UK for Laser Eye Surgery   People of all ages and cultures take a shine to London for its inclusively and diverse range of experiences and offerings. It’s a favourite among artists and songwriters from The Beatles and The Clash to Dickins and Alexander Mcqueen, its cobbled streets, evergreen parks, and enchanting history providing endless inspiration. It’s a favourite among foodies and connoisseurs of the finest British produce, offering some of the…