Laser Eye Surgery Technology: What is Eye Tracking? [VIDEO]

Eye tracking is what it says. I mean basically we have incorporated technology which is probably military derived where we have a camera that is photographing the eye or part of the eye many, many, many times per second, 500 to 1000 times per second. The photograph of the eye is analyzed instantaneously and the position of the eye is analyzed. So it means that during treatment and many people worry what if I move my eye, what if I blink or am I going to go blind, the answer is absolutely not. …

What Is Wavefront-Guided LASIK? [Video]

What is Wavefront-Guided LASIK? If you’ve been considering having Laser Eye Surgery to correct your refractive error, you may have set out to do some research on the topic. If this is the case, it is likely that you have come across more jargon than your sanity can deal with – and one of the unfamiliar words that you might now be wondering about is ‘wavefront’. So, what is wavefront and what does it have to do with Laser Eye…

Do You Use Traditional LASIK or Bladeless LASIK Technology?

Do You Use Traditional LASIK or Bladeless LASIK Technology? Today, Laser Eye Surgery can be performed using state-of-the-art technology that improves accuracy, outcomes, and healing times. But not so long ago, the procedure was comparably primitive and even a little bit grizzly. The idea that spawned Laser Eye Surgery in all its glory was only conceived around 75 years ago. In that time, the procedure has advanced beyond all recognition, but the theory behind it has survived significant advancements in…

What is IntraLase and is it Better Than Conventional Laser Eye Surgery? [VIDEO]

IntraLase is the terminology given to one of the laser machines, which is used to create a flap in the cornea. The technology group that it falls under is called a femtosecond laser. There are approximately six different types of femtosecond lasers in the world today, of which IntraLase is one of them. The way these lasers work is that instead of making a cut in the eye to create the flap is that they create a bubble there at a programmed depth within the cornea. …

What happens if I move my eyes during Laser Eye Surgery? [VIDEO]

What happens if I move my eyes during Laser Eye Surgery? These days, Eye Surgery is extremely modern, fast, and straightforward. But this wasn’t always the case. We can only imagine what used to go through patients’ minds in the early days of refractive surgery… Looking up to see a sharp, bladed instrument that is soon going to be making contact with your eye… “Don’t worry,” the surgeon smiles, “I’ve done this a thousand times – everything will be fine.”…

[VIDEO] Understanding the Evolution of Laser Eye Surgery: How Does it Work?

Understanding the Evolution of Laser Eye Surgery: How Does it Work? In the modern world that we all find ourselves in – wandering around with masterpieces of modern technology tucked in our pockets; with the potential to have life-changing surgery at our fingertips – it can be easy to distance ourselves from our history. I mean, can you imagine a time when you couldn’t ask ‘Google’ to answer a fleeting and inconsequential query at least five times a day? A…

Should I wait for a better procedure to be developed? What’s on the horizon?

Should I wait for a better procedure to be developed? What’s on the horizon? We all know the feeling of having an “out-of-date” smartphone, car – or anything else for that matter. From feeling completely satisfied (and perhaps even a little superior) when we walk out of the shop or get that long-awaited delivery, knowing that we have the latest and greatest product available on the market. That feeling, however, is not likely to last very long. Your new phone,…

What is the Most Advanced Laser Eye Surgery Procedure?

What is the Most Advanced Laser Eye Surgery Procedure? It is a well-known phenomenon that we humans are suckers for the latest version – no matter what it is. When it comes to buying a car, upgrading your phone, or getting a new household appliance, we typically want the most advanced version available. We consider the latest version to be the best – and in many cases, this is true. After all, the latest version has the advantage of the…

The Latest Innovations in Ophthalmology

The Latest Innovations in Ophthalmology Laser Eye Surgery is a sector that is built on innovation. Since its humble beginnings, it has evolved to become one of the most technologically advanced surgeries in the world. At London Vision Clinic, we are proud to be heavily involved in this innovation. We carry out ongoing research to advance the field of vision correction even further. Since early in his career, our founder Professor Dan Reinstein has been one of a small group of…