Common Questions: Is LASIK recommended after 50?

Is LASIK recommended after 50? The further on we get in life, the more we begin to regret the things we didn’t do – as opposed to those we did. It is, therefore, understandable that, as we get older, Laser Eye Surgery begins to look increasingly attractive. After all, who wants to spend the rest of their lives looking around frantically for misplaced glasses or fumbling around with contact lenses? One thing is for certain: no one will ever look back…

The best and worst times to have Laser Eye Surgery

The best and worst times to have Laser Eye Surgery Many of us will choose to put off the important decisions in life because it isn’t the right time. Moving house, changing careers, having a child – all of these decisions require a lot of thought and weighing up all the information in order to determine whether it is the right time. And deciding to upgrade to better vision can be a similar undertaking. The reality is, with all of…

Tired Of Wearing Glasses?

Tired Of Wearing Glasses? Eyeglasses were invented hundreds of years ago for a simple purpose: to correct vision. The invention and later innovations of glasses presented a solution to those living with such impairments as short-sightedness, long-sightedness, and astigmatism. Yet, since their invention in the 13th century, glasses technology has changed very little. The result? Glasses don’t come without their problems. Broken frames and lenses, lost pairs, visits to the optometrist, and waking up to a blurry alarm clock; these…

Questions To Ask When Choosing A Laser Eye Surgery Clinic

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Laser Eye Surgery Clinic When you make the decision to get Laser Eye Surgery, it can often come with a bunch of other decisions to make, too – the most important being: Which Laser Eye Surgery clinic should I choose? Luckily, we’ve put together some questions that you should always ask before deciding which clinic to go with. These are all questions you can ask one of our friendly consultants, who will be more…

Laser Eye Surgery After 50

Laser Eye Surgery After 50 It is a common misconception that being over 50 automatically makes you unsuitable for Laser Eye Surgery. The reality is, if your eyes are healthy and you have had a relatively stable prescription for two years, you will very likely still be suitable for treatment. In fact, around 97% of people – regardless of age – are suitable for Laser Eye Surgery! Nonetheless, all patients will require a consultation with a qualified surgeon to know…

Do I qualify for Lasik?

Do I qualify for LASIK? That time has come around yet again. You need to get a shiny new pair of glasses. The trends change, you see a pair you just have to have, or, if you’re anything like the typical glasses wearer, you’ve scratched, snapped, or lost your current ones so you need a new pair ASAP. Naturally, as you go through all the hassle and add up the extra costs, it can get you thinking about what other…


Guide to PRK/LASEK vs LASIK vs SMILE Despite there being a seemingly endless list of laser treatments to choose from, when it comes down to it, there are actually only three main types you need to know: PRK/LASEK, LASIK, and SMILE Treatments such as UltraLASIK, Accu-wave LASIK, Custom LASIK UltraLASIKplus, Zyoptix and Wavefront LASIK, are simply brand names that clinics think up in an attempt to differentiate what is effectively the same, albeit packaged slightly differently, treatment. They often do…

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have A Squint?

Strabismus, more commonly referred to as a squint, is a medical condition where the eyes point in two different directions. This happens when the opposite eye is looking forward. This can result in blurred vision, a lazy eye, or double vision. Since most squints occur or develop during childhood, it is ideal to treat them before they fully develop. This is typically through the use of glasses at a younger age since many squints are caused by the eyes compensating for some other visual impairment….

Contact lenses vs glasses: Which provides better vision?

Contact lenses vs glasses: Which provides better vision? If you’ve ever worn contacts and glasses, you’ve probably noticed your quality of vision differs between the two — particularly when transitioning from one after a long period of time wearing the other. The weird thing about this is that it can happen even if both are of the same prescription. Surely if they’re the same prescription and therefore the same strength lens and the same focusing power, then they should provide the same…