SMILE vs. LASIK vs. Surface Ablation

SMILE vs LASIK vs Surface Ablation For centuries, the go-to resolution for refractory conditions has been glasses, followed later on by contact lenses. While these options were both revolutionary in their time – and continue to offer significant results for millions – there is a new kid in town. The inception of Laser Eye Surgery four decades ago introduced a new era of elective procedures and promised to reduce our dependence on easily-lost glasses, and inconvenient contacts. But, the increasing…

A Brief History Of Laser Eye Surgery

A Brief History of Laser Eye Surgery Despite its sky-rocketing popularity and innovation in recent years, there remains a shroud of misinformation around Laser Eye Surgery. For example, many people believe that this category of treatment is still in its infancy – after all, the use of lasers does still bring certain connotations to sci-fi films. Yet, the idea of utilising surgical techniques to improve our vision has actually been around for many years – around half a century, in fact, –…

Options for laser eye surgery

Understanding the options for Laser Eye Surgery Nowadays, we are privileged (or cursed?) with far more options than we could ever really need for almost everything in our lives. It can be hard enough to decide which TV show to binge, or which bottle of wine to buy – never mind which of the seemingly endless options for Laser Eye Surgery treatments is right for you. Laser Eye Surgery can be a daunting prospect in any circumstances, and being bombarded…

LASIK vs LASEK vs SMILE: What are the differences?

LASIK vs LASEK vs SMILE: What are the differences? Starting your journey to Laser Eye Surgery can be a daunting prospect – one that isn’t helped by the jargon and acronyms thrown around when you start to look for information. These unfamiliar words and terms can make it challenging to understand which treatment is right for you – but fear not, we’re here to explain the differences between three of the most common types of Laser Eye Surgery: LASIK, LASEK,…

Can SMILE Laser Eye Surgery Treat Short-Sightedness?

Can SMILE Eye Surgery Treat short-sightedness? In recent years, almost every part of life has benefited from incredible technological advances that make our lives easier, safer, and more enjoyable. In no area are these developments more important than the medical industry. That’s why, at London Vision Clinic, we not only utilise but contribute to the development of the most cutting-edge solutions in Laser Eye Surgery. Our Harley Street clinic was one of the first in the world to offer ReLEx…

Laser Eye Surgery: Does Flap Thickness Matter?

Does Flap Thickness Matter? Laser Eye Surgery has now been used to correct vision for over four decades. The procedure has always involved accessing the corneal bed in order to reshape the cornea. But, the thickness of the corneal flap created to access the corneal bed has reduced significantly over the years. Today, there is even a flapless form of Laser Eye Surgery, reducing the invasiveness of the procedure. This speaks volumes about how flap thickness is related to safety…

The Latest Innovations in Ophthalmology

The Latest Innovations in Ophthalmology Laser Eye Surgery is a sector that is built on innovation. Since its humble beginnings, it has evolved to become one of the most technologically advanced surgeries in the world. At London Vision Clinic, we are proud to be heavily involved in this innovation. We carry out ongoing research to advance the field of vision correction even further. Since early in his career, our founder Professor Dan Reinstein has been one of a small group of…


Guide to PRK/LASEK vs LASIK vs SMILE Despite there being a seemingly endless list of laser treatments to choose from, when it comes down to it, there are actually only three main types you need to know: PRK/LASEK, LASIK, and SMILE Treatments such as UltraLASIK, Accu-wave LASIK, Custom LASIK UltraLASIKplus, Zyoptix and Wavefront LASIK, are simply brand names that clinics think up in an attempt to differentiate what is effectively the same, albeit packaged slightly differently, treatment. They often do…