Driving at Night After Laser Eye Surgery

Driving at Night After Laser Eye Surgery Driving at night can be a less-than-fun experience for anyone, but if you’re one of the unfortunate many who rely on glasses or contact lenses, it can be particularly stressful. Forgetting your glasses is, most likely, simply not an option and those who usually wear monovision or multifocal lenses may find that they need to switch to a pair of driving glasses to ensure a safe and comfortable journey. In some cases, this…

Can Cataract Surgery Improve Night Vision?

Can Cataract Surgery Improve Night Vision? The formation of cataracts can have a significant impact on your quality of vision, eventually leading to vision loss and even blindness if left untreated. But in the early stages of their development, one of the first symptoms of cataracts is a loss of contrast sensitivity. Over time, this and other symptoms can affect night vision, making it increasingly difficult to perform tasks in low light conditions. So, if this is the case, will…

What are the Common Side Effects of Laser Eye Surgery?

What are the Common Side Effects of Laser Eye Surgery? Since the conception of Laser Eye Surgery almost four decades ago, countless developments and innovations have helped to make the procedure less invasive and more effective. Patients today experience shorter recovery times and are able to receive treatment for much higher prescriptions than in the past. But those aren’t the only selling point of Laser Eye Surgery. Despite dealing with an incredibly complex organ – our eyes – the procedure…

What causes halos after LASIK? [VIDEO]

What Causes Halos After LASIK? The appearance of halos is one of the most common side effects associated with Laser Eye surgery treatment. No, that doesn’t mean you will be walking around with a glowing ring floating above your head as soon as you leave the treatment room. We’re talking about another kind of halo. Visual halos are a form of glare that can temporarily affect vision after undergoing refractive surgery. They occur mainly at night and in low light conditions –…

What are the long-term effects of Laser Eye Surgery?

What are the long-term effects of Laser Eye Surgery? Not many medical treatments in this world are permanent fixes. Despite the impressive rate of medical innovation in recent years, the vast majority of treatment options still focus on symptom management. For example, medical equipment like glasses and crutches offer us temporary relief. Similarly, drugs may rid us of illness for a short while, yet they only get a hold on serious or chronic conditions with continual use. Not even invasive…

Quick guide: Laser Eye Surgery recovery

Quick guide: Laser Eye Surgery recovery Which part of the body heals the fastest? How about the skin: the largest organ in the body and our outer barrier to the world that has to endure scratching, scrapes, cuts, abrasions, burns, and a whole heap of abuse every day. Or what about something like the liver? Our largest internal organ that never stops filtering blood, supporting the digestive system, and detoxifying the barrage of chemicals and toxins we pound it with. Well,…