8 reasons a high staff to patient ratio makes a difference

8 Reasons a High Staff to Patient Ratio makes a Difference When was the last time someone sat you down and asked you a series of personal questions about your life? For me, it was yesterday. You might assume that this was an uncomfortable conversation but, in reality, it was quite the opposite. Unsatisfied with the care of my GP, I tracked down a medical herbalist near where I live, situated a few miles away along the winding narrow lanes…

What post-operative care you should expect after Laser Eye Surgery

What post-operative care you should expect after Laser Eye Surgery It’s the weeks leading up to Laser Eye Surgery when you put the extra time in to make sure you’re fully prepared for the procedure and it fits nicely into your life. And most people believe that, once the treatment comes, all of that is over, and you’re free to enjoy the results and get back to your normal routine. But the process doesn’t end as soon as you hop…

How many private eye surgery clinics in London?

How many private eye surgery clinics are there in London? When searching for a Laser Eye Surgery clinic in London, you’ve probably noticed there are a lot of names you’re not familiar with. Like many cities, there’s the usual big chains — companies like Optimax and Optical Express that operate and advertise on a national scale — but there are way more names like Advanced Vision Care, Moorfields, and Focus that are completely new to you. You also can’t help but…