Always Get A Second Opinion

Always Get A Second Opinion For a long time, the line between what was and what wasn’t possible was solid and definitive like a concrete wall. But in 2018, with technologies advancing at an ever more rapid pace and new innovations replacing old ones all the time, we’re realising it’s actually much more like a fine line in the sand. Nowhere is this more noticeable than in the field of vision correction. For example, walk up any high street in search…

Does PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision Work For Everyone?

Does PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision Work For Everyone? We all have those moments of seniority when you realise, for one reason or other, that you’re not as young as you used to be. For some, though, it happens a lot more often than it needs to. Maybe it’s that you struggle to stay awake later than 10 pm on a Saturday night or your medicine cabinet is starting to look more and more like a pharmacy. And every day you spend less…

Long term effects of Laser Eye Surgery

Long term effects of Laser Eye Surgery There’s no getting around the fact that Laser Eye Surgery is a pretty young procedure, with the first formal treatments being carried out around twenty-five years ago. So even though it rapidly exploded in popularity and over thirty million people have already received the treatment, no one has lived over a quarter of a decade with the results. This creates a bit of a sore point in the talk about the long terms…

Visit us on Facebook

Visit us on Facebook You wouldn’t think it, but working as a freelancer there are many times I miss being in a big office and working under the iron thumb of a boss. For one, I wouldn’t suddenly decide to take an extended lunch break when I have a deadline to meet the next morning; they also probably wouldn’t stand for my clothes rack/kitchen counter/desk either. But the main impact having a stern face looming over me would be in cutting down the endless hours I spend…

Alternatives to laser surgery for your eyes

Alternatives to laser surgery for your eyes It’s taken us a long time to get to this point — around a thousand years to be more exact. Even longer if you count the early work of Greek scholars like Euclid and Aristotle. Back then if you were afflicted by poor eyesight, you didn’t have much choice other than to deal with it. But it wasn’t all bad; you may even have been thought of as blessed and sought after for certain crafts…

Astigmatism and Lasik surgery

Astigmatism and Lasik surgery According to some eye experts, all of us have astigmatism to some degree or other. But not all of us suffer from the eye strain, headaches, and fatigue that comes with the more severe cases. For this, unless you like spending your days squinting and rubbing your temples, you need some sort of corrective eyewear to function properly — or at least you used to. In the past, the best way and only way to treat astigmatism…

Glasses vs contacts vs surgery

Glasses vs. Contacts vs. Surgery If you want to improve your vision, you have three choices: glasses, contacts, or Laser Eye Surgery. And listed from the smallest to the largest commitment, most people progress through them in that order — over many, many stress and pain-filled years. But this guide is here to save you the time and hassle. With our reviews of each, you’ll be able to make a well-informed decision today. In not decades but minutes, you’ll be equipped…

How to look good in your glasses?

How to look good in your glasses? You’ve tried to embrace them as the fashion accessory — you really have. But unlike Jennifer Aniston or Anne Hathaway, you weren’t blessed with perfectly symmetrical features. Your face doesn’t fit nicely into one of the common categories — “Square, diamond, heart, or base down triangle? More like oblong-triangle with a dash of square”— and the only style that does looks good on you went out of fashion twenty years ago. But they’re easier and safer…

Why Laser Eye Surgery could benefit you

Why Laser Eye Surgery could benefit you Wearing glasses or contact lenses can at times feel like being in a relationship: you can’t live with them, but you can’t live without them. So you put up with their non-stop annoyances and tendency to disrupt everything in your life. For the benefits it’s worth it, you tell yourself. But why compromise with second best when you can have the prize guy? With Laser Eye Surgery, you can show your second-rate visual aids the door and…

Can I give surgery as a present to someone?

Can I give surgery as a present to someone? Enabling someone to experience some of the world’s greatest thrills freely, things like rock climbing, skiing, surfing, and scuba driving, without the limitations of glasses or contact lenses, is a truly invaluable gift. Even the ability to go about your day without fiddling with or worrying about visual aids is enough to make a significant impact in someone’s life. The pain of having to remember them wherever you go, the inconvenience of replacing broken…