Can Cataracts Return After Surgery?

Can Cataracts Return After Surgery? Any patient anticipating Cataract Surgery will understandably have many questions and concerns during the run-up to the procedure. From worries about surgery and the recovery process to general queries about cataracts themselves, we’ve heard it all here at London Vision Clinic. For example, one common concern many patients share is this: Can cataracts return after surgery? Cataracts and Cataract Surgery The development of cataracts becomes increasingly common as we get older. In fact, cataracts are…

What causes night-time side effects after Laser Eye Surgery? And can they be treated? [VIDEO]

After laser eye surgery, every patient will experience night glare. This is because of swelling due to the actual treatment itself and this happens to every patient regardless of their original prescription, their age etc. This swelling takes approximately three months to settle, and after this time period most patients will get very little night vision glare interrupting their vision. If patients still have residual night vision glare after this time, testing can be performed to ascertain where that night vision glare is originating from and determine what can be done to resolve the issue….

What are the Common Side Effects of Laser Eye Surgery?

What are the Common Side Effects of Laser Eye Surgery? Since the conception of Laser Eye Surgery almost four decades ago, countless developments and innovations have helped to make the procedure less invasive and more effective. Patients today experience shorter recovery times and are able to receive treatment for much higher prescriptions than in the past. But those aren’t the only selling point of Laser Eye Surgery. Despite dealing with an incredibly complex organ – our eyes – the procedure…

Understanding the Safety and Risks of Laser Eye Surgery

Understanding the Safety and Risks of Laser Eye Surgery Laser Eye Surgery can be a daunting prospect. Let’s face it, opting for elective surgery on one of our most valuable and important assets – our eyes – is a decision that requires a lot of thought, research, and preparation. But, the abundance of misinformation and tabloid-style scare stories spread around on the internet can make it difficult to truly understand the safety and risks of Laser Eye Surgery. Let’s start…

What causes halos after LASIK? [VIDEO]

What Causes Halos After LASIK? The appearance of halos is one of the most common side effects associated with Laser Eye surgery treatment. No, that doesn’t mean you will be walking around with a glowing ring floating above your head as soon as you leave the treatment room. We’re talking about another kind of halo. Visual halos are a form of glare that can temporarily affect vision after undergoing refractive surgery. They occur mainly at night and in low light conditions –…

Can I Go Blind After Laser Eye Surgery? [VIDEO]

A big question, can I go blind after laser eye surgery? The answer to that, (in theory) is yes. There have been reported cases around the world where people have lost extensive vision after laser eye surgery. These cases are extremely rare. It would take a series of events to happen, very unfortunate events, to leave the person in a predicament where they lost all their vision….

Post-LASIK patients risk of halos and starbursts around bright lights at night

Post-LASIK patients risk of halos and starbursts around bright lights at night Side effects are never a wanted accompaniment to any type of treatment – whether expected or not. But the reality is that side effects occur with almost all kinds of medical and surgical treatments – and the same applies to Laser Eye Surgery. Therefore, it is always best to be aware of what you can expect when you have treatment. For example, what are the common side effects and…

What are the long-term effects of Laser Eye Surgery?

What are the long-term effects of Laser Eye Surgery? Not many medical treatments in this world are permanent fixes. Despite the impressive rate of medical innovation in recent years, the vast majority of treatment options still focus on symptom management. For example, medical equipment like glasses and crutches offer us temporary relief. Similarly, drugs may rid us of illness for a short while, yet they only get a hold on serious or chronic conditions with continual use. Not even invasive…

Is laser eye surgery safe?

Exploring the Safety of Laser Eye Surgery. If you’re considering laser eye surgery, you may be wondering about its safety. After all, this is a procedure that involves the use of lasers to reshape the cornea in order to improve vision. Is it safe? The answer is yes—in most cases, laser eye surgery is a safe procedure with few risks. Let’s explore what makes laser eye surgery a safe option for improving vision. Risks and Benefits of Laser Eye Surgery…

What causes dry eyes after laser vision correction? [VIDEO]

What causes dry eyes after laser vision correction? Nerves play an important role in the Laser Eye Surgery recovery process. I’m not talking about the jitters, patients are usually very calm by this time — I’m on about a different set of nerves: those on the surface of your eye. The nerves on the surface of the eye are momentarily interrupted because of the pain-free laser process. Thankfully, though, these nerves possess the incredible power to regenerate over a period…