Post-Operative Care

Post-Operative Care:

Over the last six months we have conducted a survey of people calling London Vision Clinic. It turns out that post-operative care is one of the six most important factors that people consider when selecting a clinic! And why shouldn’t it be?

Manmeet, our Head Patient Care Coordinator

No one wants to feel like they are just being rushed down a conveyor belt in order to make space for the next patient in need of attention! Our relationship does not end after your surgery. In fact, you could say that the day of your surgery marks the beginning of a very long “professional friendship”.

Our surgeons have a reputation amongst our past patients for going above and beyond the call of duty. They have been known to contact patients’ family members to let them know that everything went well, to provide their personal mobile phone number in case a patient experiences any concerns on the day of the procedure, and to text patients on the evening of their operation to make sure that they are comfortable! If this sounds like the level of personal, professional post-operative care that you were hoping for, but were concerned might be unrealistic – fear not! Your expectations are not unreasonably high or unattainable, you just had to keep searching to find the right clinic for you…

Marie was thrilled with the level of care and communication she received from the start. Her patient care coordinator kept her in the loop by answering all of her questions promptly. Everyone from the technicians and the optometrists to the front desk staff were friendly and helpful. After her surgery, she was given plenty of post-operative care and advice with accompanying notes, and a supply of all of the necessary eye drops. Sure enough, Marie even got a follow up text from her surgeon, Glenn Carp just checking in to make sure that everything was okay, and asking her to call if she had any concerns. The next day she had a follow-up appointment just to make sure that everything was healing properly. Her follow-up appointments with London Vision Clinic and her interactions continue to be positive. Marie called her operation life changing, and says that she has nothing but praise for the London Vision Clinic team.

We want our patients to enjoy a long-standing relationship with our clinic. We understand that you are not just paying customers, but people with unique needs and specific concerns. Our treatment is based on the individual, and we want you to walk away happy with your experience-from your first steps into the waiting room to years down the road when you are looking out of your kitchen window sans spectacles.

Categories: Laser eye surgery